Sky of Destruction is a top-down shooter created by a team of two people. Combine aircrafts in your combat fleet, which will help you during the mission. Your goal is to destroy the enemy aircraft carrier or buildings, breaking through the enemy air armada. Explosions and total destruction!
[*] Changed the viewing angle and detection range for the units. Thanks to these changes, your plane will not be attacked from afar.
[*] Reduced scatter routes for units. Now the aircrafts will be less scattered around the location and will choose the route more directly to the enemy base.
[*] Improved AI for aircrafts.
[*] The possible number of aircrafts on location for each side is balanced. Now a huge number of enemy aircrafts is unlikely.
[*] Balanced the number of spawn points of enemy planes when generating missions. At the first missions you will face less enemy spawners.
[*] Reduced damage from enemy projectiles for the early missions.
[*] Fixed mission difficulty indicator.
[*] Fixed various bugs.