Sky of Destruction is a top-down shooter created by a team of two people. Combine aircrafts in your combat fleet, which will help you during the mission. Your goal is to destroy the enemy aircraft carrier or buildings, breaking through the enemy air armada. Explosions and total destruction!
[b]Now you can give orders to your allied aircrafts.[/b]
3 types of orders made:
[*] Attack
[*] Carrier protection
[*] Hunting mode
[b]“Attack”[/b] - 5 nearby to you aircrafts will fly to the point of the given order and will attack the enemy in this area.
[b]"Protection"[/b] - 5 aircrafts closest to the carrier will fly to defend it.
[b]"Hunting mode"[/b] - cancel the current order and the aircrafts will spread out on the map to find and destroy enemies.
AI has also become smarter. Now it will respond to the actions of the player. Will defend buildings if you attack them.
Or will attack your carrier more organized. Now you will need to follow the tactics of AI and protect your carrier.