Uncle Kenny- The Game ACT 2 is out now on Windows!!

Uncle Kenny The Game

Uncle Kenny has been lured into the woods by a mysterious old friend. He must come out of this alive.

PATCH NOTES -[u]MAC VERSION FRIDAY, APRIL 21ST[/u] [b]Act 2-[/b] - Entirely new levels, whole new section of the game. - Some levels previously contained in the game files are now accessible by normal means and are far more polished - Lots of new cutscenes that make up most of the file size - Lots of new spooky music, the soundtrack is still coming soon! [b]Act 1-[/b] - Changed the position of the shop sign to make it more visible to players - Reworked every instance of the grapple hook to further optimize the game and reduce the chance of unfair missed connections with the grapple shot - Optimized the climax of the act by destroying enemy instances upon falling out of the map, allowing the game to maintain performance indefinitely when sitting idle in the level - In the same section, fixed the constant presence of the coin counter and its changing colors - Same section, controller fix with swingshot where aim would reset to original position when not holding the aiming stick beforehand. - Tinkered with weapon hitboxes and added the muzzle flash back to the pistol weapon [b]General Editions-[/b] - Finally, I made an options menu. Right now it's pretty rudimentary but I'd be interested to hear any suggestions of options I can add. The menu includes a previously unheard track and allows players to fullscreen, and toggle sound effects and music on and off. Chosen options remain consistent upon reopening the game - Game no longer has a non-borderless windowed option due to a nigh-unfixable engine bug where lighting would permanently disappear when minimizing the tab. - Changed the main menu key to “M” so as to make returning to the menu on keyboard easier - Made it clear that M returns to the main menu and F4 puts game in fullscreen, something that previously confused many players - Performance fixes across the board - Main Menu is altered, added a patch version number to the corner - Extras Menu has some more fun graphics - Exit button has a slightly more polished response to player action instead of just suddenly closing. - When player has one heart left, game uses a tone sound and displays final heart to remind player that they need to heal or avoid taking damage [u]PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU RUN INTO ANY ISSUES AND I WILL DO MY BEST TO ASSIST YOU AND FIX THE BUG IN A PATCH!![/u]