Uncle Kenny The Game

Uncle Kenny has been lured into the woods by a mysterious old friend. He must come out of this alive.

[b]Gamers...[/b] Believe it or not, my ass has been hard at work with Act 3. Ive been very very very hard at work. But you gotta trust me, this is the greatest thing I have ever made in my life. In the one year hiatus from Uncle Kenny updates and development, I had so much time to stew over different ideas in my head for how I would close it out. Part of me thought that it would never be done, that I would never have the passion and drive to finish this masterpiece product... but [u]It's happening, and its so so good gamuhhs its so good[/u] I can't reveal anything too crazy right now, other than a couple things: In Act 3, there will be: [u] - Grenades[/u] [u] - Jetpacks[/u] [u] - Slingshots[/u] [b] - AND FORCE POWERS!!!!!![/b] It is so, so hype my brothers. This will be worthy of the Uncle Kenny name. With that in mind, there are two annoucnements I need to make. [u]1. Animals and Variety Update to Acts 1 and 2. [/u] [u]2. ACT 3 DELAY [/u] For number 1, there will be a number of additions to the gameplay of acts 1 and 2 to spice things up, as well as new creatures and animals such as bees and catterpillars. It will be beautiufl. I'm hoping to release it by August 1st. For number 2, bros, you gotta trust, this is worth the wait. I need time on this, but when Im working on it 8-10 or so hours or something a day trust that I'm working as hard as I can and this product will be so, so beautiful. Im thinking that it will come out late August, or September at latest, but we will see. THANK YOU FOR PLAYING MY GAME! AND HAVE A WONDERFUL WONDERFUL DAY!!!!