[b]EXPERIENCE UNCLE KENNY... NOW WITH BLOOD!![/b] [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43722826/12ee58c2c0ccbc68d6dcfea43768c6b7798a9de3.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43722826/f05dcb06802a80689924f3f652f6c52c7b486f9b.png[/img][/url] General Fixes: -Added blood to the entire game! I genuinely think this is an overdue edition, and improves the game feel a lot! -Crates now break with particles! -Added graphics through the first two acts such as grass and trees, paintings in buildings, etc. More to come as well. Act 1 Fixes: -Fixed crash with snail queen, and made the boss slightly more fair. More snail queen editions coming in the future, such as more varied attacks. -Route 12 gondola blood on walls. Improved flow of levels, removed black bars appearing at every single transition and cutscene -Chasing snails now properly indicate when they are stunned -Shotgun jump no longer kills your jump momentum in firepower levels Act 2 Fixes: -Fixed co-op with Hank’s flashlight not working against enemies. -Fixed Hank’s head getting stuck on a certain ceiling. -Small level design tweaks to improve readability and player experience. -Added subtitles to one cutscene Known issues: -A few co-op mode bugs I can likely fix later… [b]I AM IN FULL-TIME DEVELOPMENT FOR ACT 3!! MORE PATCHES TO COME SOON![/b]