U26: The Stormchaser

Trickster VR: Co-op Dungeon Crawler

A procedurally generated fantasy adventure, starring floating islands, epic loot and a horde of orcs! Try your skills against orcish combat expertise, ancient magic and ragtag airships!

[img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/QuarterlyWeepyArmyant-size_restricted.gif[/img] [i] Greetings Orc Hunters! In today's update we're bringing you the biggest challenge yet - cross your blade with Ulfric the Stormchaser and win the mighty Staff of Storms. Be careful though - Ulfric is said to be the most powerful orc chieftain in the Broken Lands. His melee prowess, his grasp of ancient magic and unparalleled command over troops on the battlefield all contribute to this reputation. Good news for all completionists out there - Steam Achievements are now added to Trickster! Grab those internet points and show others your orc hunting expertise. Good luck and happy hunting! [/i] [h1]Hotfix 26p1 Notes[/h1][list] [*]A little networking fix to make the game match Oculus Home version. [/list] [h1]Update 26 Notes[/h1] New:[list] [*]New fearsome challenge to tackle - Eye of The Storm quest. [*]New powerful weapon to unlock - The Staff of Storms. [*]Added 13 new Steam Achievements. [*]Added tooltips to loading screen. [*]Added an option to disable rotation in Twin Stick locomotion. [*]Added WMR joystick support. [/list] Changes[list] [*]Scorching Wand gains new special Power - Burst. [*]Scorching Wand will now have unlimited shield. It will however be charge-based and will slowly regenerate over time. [*]Matchmaker will now show the current level name and if reward is possible next to each online game. [*]Enemies will now be better at targeting nearby players. [*]Machines of War quest will no longer spawn bosses on Casual difficulty. [*]Some quests will no longer appear on lowest difficulty levels due to their, uhm, difficulty. [/list] Bugfixes[list] [*]Settings Menu will no longer float slowly up & down. [*]Swipe Turning on Vive will now be accessible in Walk Locomotion. [*]Fixed "A Burning Matter" quest progress not being synced over network. [*]Fixed enemies getting stuck in falling animation. [*]Fixed drop system causing stutter on slower machines. [*]Fixed an issue where Frying Pan's power would not update its charge. [*]Fixed an issue where the level ending portal would be active for clients before quest is finished. [/list] [h1]Shameless advertising[/h1] Lets grow the Trickster family! [url=http://store.steampowered.com/recommended/recommendgame/512220] [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/25923504/2a874c03e48238d5c73dcd87cea6daeff968c38e.jpg[/img][/url]