

My Tunnel Vision: Non-Oculus Games On The Oculus | Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition | Gamehypes

Tunnel Vision: Non-Oculus Games On The Oculus

Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition

Experience what it’s like to be Batman and face off against Gotham's greatest villians. Explore every inch of Arkham Asylum and roam freely on the infamous island.

My VR column returns! Now that my Oculus DK1 is replaced by a less nauseasome DK2 at last, the pressing problem is less “ooh, me poor peepers” and more “so, er, what is there to actually play?” The stark fact of the matter is that very few developers have yet included meaningful Oculus support, because this is not yet a consumer device. This is very much the case at a software level as well as a hardware one.

In the next column I’ll do a round-up of some of the more interesting experiments doing the rounds for DK2, but today I want to talk about VorpX. It’s a name that sounds like an ill-advised sci-fi remake of Jabberwocky, but actually it’s paid software which forcibly injects VR support into all kinds of PC games that don’t otherwise support it.

Important update: Alien Isolation now working. Aaaaaaah.
… [visit site to read more]