Try the latest build during PixElated festival!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41883293/850b8e36c8a97f0040f14797894895ca79a0a43c.png[/img] Regulators! Grab your gear and suit up! a fresh new developer build is here for you to have some fun with. This demo has a lot of changes and improvements since v0.0.62 and the biggest feature is that your "team" is now a "duo", I've been playtesting this format for some months now, and I feel like it simply improves the game in various areas: - It removes a lot of chaos from the game area - It allows the player to focus on their own movement instead of constantly looking at what the team is doing - And it still saves the coolness of having this skillful buddy moving alongside you covering your back! You'll also run into a much improved level-up system for your team mate, bigger variation of enemies (including possessed furniture), different level maps and improved map layouts overall. So give the new demo a try and let me know what you think! For those having a Steam key for the Play test build, all the character "abilities" have been changed and improved on. Removing all the "full-destruction"(cool, but mostly useless) abilities and replacing them with powers that can be used more strategically and in a tactical way. I'm working towards a beta test phase, so if you like what you see in the demo, drop by on [url=]the Orangepixel discord[/url] where I'll be handing out the Steam Playtest keys over time! Go Regulate the city! - Pascal aka Orangepixel