New demo dropping soon! Join in NOW!

Hey guys! Just wanted to do a quick update for all the followers/wish listers and future regulators! I'm currently working hard on getting a whole fresh new demo up and ready for you to sample, the last demo is from January, and the game has gone through a LOT of improvements and changes that it will feel like the last demo was just a 24 hour game jam version ( it wasn't ! .. but it will feel like that.. maybe! ) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41883293/dbdb27b211f35148f82b43458ffcae82ff67f431.gif[/img] The new demo will focus on the new playable character: Wreckingball! His dodge move and special ability are now pretty much done, and I'd love to get feedback from players on the feel of it all. Personally I love him so much, that I've been playing with him exclusively since getting it all done! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41883293/3a5b87044e9b05c4d8019c24edea4bd57a70aaaa.gif[/img] A lot of development time has gone into all the juicy stuff, we now have headshots, more gear to unlock, a better gameplay flow, and just in general a much better game as a result! I also reintroduced the stealth gameplay mechanics! So sneaking up on enemies, choking them, and moving on, will be a big part of the game ( IF you like to play it like that ). Hiding from camera's, disabling camera's, using new gear to scramble camera's.. you'll have to come up with a lot more tactics to complete missions ! ( of course, get a good grenade launcher or machine gun or UZI, and shooting your way out of a building is still an option ! ) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41883293/1d41823691f524c5756838805c0e38dab16cc311.gif[/img] Further more I'm now finalizing the various things to make the game more user friendly. From settings to having a little tutorial level to explain the controls and how to sneak up on enemies. Again something I hope to get some feedback on from you guys once I get this demo out! So don't forget to follow and/or wishlist the game's development on here and come hang out on to join a friendly group of peeps excited by the Orangepixel Universe! [url=][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41883293/b82622446ee7859edf70f87a2b755fa18ba18da6.jpg[/img][/url] Weekly videos still dropping on : [url=]YouTube[/url] !