Regulators! Welcome to the fresh new DEMO for Regulator City: version 0.0.66
[h2]New in this version[/h2]
- Host of new Enemy types like Spittin Blog, Medooza, Scorpions, Spiders, and Ooze worms
- New mission type: Hacking the mainframe - requiring you to defend your grounds for a couple of seconds
- Shiny new interface to unify the whole game
- Medooza-Nest missions (be quiet!)
- Local COOP mode ( mostly tested, but things can go crazy at times )
[h2]What's next[/h2]
This build now brings a complete new experience both in the shape of the standard single player mission, but also by adding a sample (test) of the local COOP mode.
Even though the version number just increased a bit, there are so many new things crammed in this demo that you should really just go and play it and see what the final Regulator City experience will be about as I'm now at the final stretch of development and closing in on a full release. (YAY!)
I'm entering the last phase of development, and a lot of that work will mean creating level-maps, adding a couple of features I still have on my wish-list (working on Gass-masks for Ooze-spore area's).
And I will be doing a proper Beta-test call over on the Orangepixel Discord (see the right-side column on the store page) in a few weeks/months from now to make sure the game is as bug-free as possible when it releases!
If you want to play this game on your stream/youtube/twitch make sure to reach out for a Steam Playtest key and we'll talk.
Full changes list:
[*]fixed: (probably) Framerate drop happens on Streetview
[*]fixed: ghost mode - melee now does full damage per hit
[*]fixed: Some enemies get into an "alerted" loop and trigger an annoying soundeffect because of it
[*]fixed: death handling for COOP mode (medikit can be used)
[*]fixed: Using "sniper mode" in COOP also takes over other players screen
[*]fixed: Extraction is now always on left-side of street/sewer/roof
[*]fixed: mission street-direction isn't pre-defined
[*]fixed: Level up weapon options should only show unlocked weapons
[*]fixed: Lasers show info dialog, even when power-off in building
[*]fixed: Lasers block squad even when power-off
[*]fixed: remove the Laser-pass options from a NEst level
[*]fixed: left-bar info doesn't fit with extra recruits
[*]fixed: hands in "map" screen of briefing cover the text
[*]fixed: recruits level and skills aren't reset on "retry mission"
[*]fixed: Pickups on end-of-mission screen pop up in wrong place (mid-left)
[*]fixed: Remove NPC's from Nest levels
[*]fixed: sharpened Aim-assist
[*]fixed: Throwables don't have the right sprite-looks
[*]added: Spittin Blob should spit in panic during power-off passed)
[*]added: Big Ooze worms
[*]added: Small Ooze worms
[*]added: Hospital furniture has higher chance of spawning medikits
[*]added: "got you a new rookie" to HQ when player lost his team8
[*]added: Medusa should shoot/throw oozebits or oozeworms during screams
[*]added: Mission blueprints are now perma-unlocks
[*]added: Booby-traps now scattered more and randomly around levels
[*]added: COOP mode: modifier inventory is given to both players
[*]added: COOP: if player leaves, inventory is dropped as a single "inventory bag" item for other player to grab
[*]added: COOP if at least 1 player survives extraction, other player will be revived at HQ
[*]added: 1 and 2 are alternatives to swap/select weapons (keyboard play)
[*]added: Weapon-upgrades to Team8 Level up options
[*]added: pencils/pens as weapon - found in office areas
[*]added: "food" items in kitchen furniture to regain HP
[*]added: Laser-sight mode shows wall outlines
[*]added: Medooza's scream will call reinforcements
[*]added: Tactical Advantage to gain an extra team-member (up to 4 max) (not in COOP)
[*]added: Ooze puddles dropped by various entities
[*]added: Zone-defending functionality
[*]added: New mission - Mainframe hacking
[*]added: Ooze spiders
[*]added: Medooza "nests" special event to random missions
[*]added: Electronic doors can be budged open when power is out
[*]added: Unlocked Optica in Demo (allow coop-mode)
[*]added: Briefing info about "Nest" missions
[*]added: Junk - can be thrown around to make noise
[*]changed: Moved level-editor to "developer only" mode
[*]changed: Increased amount of ooze-required for special ability
[*]changed: Blue print won't uncover actual rooms, only in map view
[*]changed: Medusa should be attracted to sound instead of playerInSight (allow player to sneak
[*]various code and framerate optimizations
[*]updated booby-trap defusing methods and process
[*]done: check Hostage rescue mission with new Hostage code