Another month, and time for a new and improved demo of Regulator City. Based on a lot of feedback from, well, everywhere and everyone, this demo is mostly a quality improvement demo, and not so many new features.. well.. maybe one or two!
As with the last demo, most of my attention has been put into making the game more user-friendly and clear in what the player has to do. One main piece of the puzzle is markers that guide you to certain key-locations. So if you push a button that opens a door, but you have no idea where the door is or what is happening, then you will notice bright orange markers leading you from the button to the door that just opened.
Same with the extraction point, once you completed a mission. Many people told me they got lost on that part, so there is no a clear path towards the exit of the map.
I also modified the way the upgrade system works, this is phase one, there are a few more tweaks I have in mind, but this should already make it much more interesting to go for those sneaky kills and grab more cash to upgrade your gear. You can now spend 3 credits on the upgrade screen, which will allow you to either grab a bunch of grenades, or go for that fancy armor, or both!?
Full changes list:
[*]added: SKIP animation code (hold button)
[*]added: Squad clone device in HQ
[*]added: Extraction guidance path
[*]added: Controller/mouse+keyboard instructions on startscreen
[*]added: goal markers for doors needing button pushes
[*]added: Team-recruitment at start of the game (customise skillsets)
[*]added: Pop-up words for special events (Skree, Whack, etc)
[*]fixed: keyboard-setup in tutorial doesn't fit some key-names
[*]fixed: left hand in meteorite animation not showing
[*]fixed: flares rendered on top of tasks
[*]fixed: Squad members not going in for the kill on dizzy-enemies (ie: after flashbang)
[*]changed: tutorial now a solo-mission (squad comes after that)
[*]changed: improved look and usage of bombs
[*]changed: Keypad-task now operational with Mouse controls
[*]changed: Improved early HQ flow and added more mission-goal markers to guide the player
[*]changed: more prominent shades to identify enemies
[*]changed: Level-up now gives X amount of credits to spend (can grab multiple gear at once)
[*]changed: lowered default audio volume settings
[*]changed: made Start/Settings options also clickable by mouse
[*]changed: Graphic settings now show all options + fullscreen all the time
[*]changed: gave enemies brighter bodies
[*]changed: gave enemies bigger (and brigther) heads
[*]changed: renamed danger/safe meter to "detected"
[*]changed: debris vanishes more quickly