Too Many Cooks v0.2.0

Too Many Cooks

Fired and blackballed by Chef Hamsey, you are a chef looking to find your next position. Unfortunately, the employees of any restaurant you walk into want you dead! Fight off hordes of enemies while upgrading through a food-themed upgrade tree.

[h2]Patch notes v0.2.0:[/h2] Altered character starting traits: [list] [*]Chef now starts with the apple upgrade (heal every level up) [*]Sushi chef now starts with the soy sauce upgrade (critical hits damage surrounding enemies by 20%) [/list] Redid unlocked ingredients and checkmarks due to a memory leak. The ingredients you originally selected are still unlocked, but the checkmark will not appear until you’ve selected it in-game again. Apologies for any inconvenience. Added a mix and match system so each level has a chance to spawn any enemy and any boss. Changed the difficulty settings—these can still be customised, but there is now level options for those who do not want to fully customise their difficulty Added a windowed mode option in the options menu. New upgrades: [list] [*]Eggplant (common): Explode when hit [*]Parmesan (uncommon): Gain 30% movement speed when at 1 health [*]Mozzarella (rare): Permanently gain 20% reload rate every two minutes, resets when hit, max 80% [*]Pancakes (meal; uncommon): Attract all collectibles on screen when hit [*]Spicy crab soup (meal; rare): Magazine size is equal to your current health [*]Pineapple pizza (meal; legendary): Every 200 enemies, triple your bullet size for 10 seconds [*]Sushi (meal; epic): Permanently decrease all enemy health by 20% [*]Eggplant parmesan (meal; rare): Drop an eggplant bomb when dashing [/list] Achievements for new meals: [list] [*]Pancakes [*]Spicy crab salad [*]Pineapple pizza [*]Sushi [*]Eggplant parmesan [/list] Improved optimisation for enemy deaths—there were heavy framerate drops when killing too many enemies at one time. This has been optimised so there will hopefully be less framerate drops in the future. Slightly decreased size of orbiting blueberries