Too Many Cooks Update v0.6.0

Too Many Cooks

Fired and blackballed by Chef Hamsey, you are a chef looking to find your next position. Unfortunately, the employees of any restaurant you walk into want you dead! Fight off hordes of enemies while upgrading through a food-themed upgrade tree.

[h2]Patch notes v0.6.0:[/h2] [h3]Daily challenges and online leaderboards[/h3] [list]*Every day is a new challenge! All players start with the same seed meaning you're competing with the same exact run as others! You will start with a random upgrade and a debuff such as no legendary upgrades for the run. These challenges change every day, so be sure to check back![/list][list]*The daily challenges and regular runs have their own leaderboards. [/list] [h3]Other changes include:[/h3] [list]*Pineapple changed from 5% > 10% for enemies to drop second collectible[/list][list]*Burger patty now targets closest enemy on first bounce only, all bounces after will be random[/list][list]*Legendary ingredient and meal upgrades now only available after a boss fight[/list][list]*Adjusted the increase in enemy health, experience, and speed[/list][list]*Rebuilt upgrade system to accommodate incorporating seeds[/list][list]*Improved UI in menu rooms [/list][list]*Changed sausage from 20% less common upgrades to 10% chance to heal fully when picking up a heart[/list][list]*Fixed watermelon and cake throwing enemies not being effected by the cheese upgrade (they were still throwing accurately)[/list][list]*Fixed wonky battle cry text for sous chef boss[/list][list]*Fixed bug where buying the pizza upgrade seemed to permanently increase bullet size, not just when the timer reached 2 minutes[/list][list]*Fixed bug where ice cream sundae upgrade did not gather all collectibles on screen after defeating mini-boss[/list][list]*Change wheat to halve damage rather than quarter[/list]