Too Many Cooks Update v0.5.5

Too Many Cooks

Fired and blackballed by Chef Hamsey, you are a chef looking to find your next position. Unfortunately, the employees of any restaurant you walk into want you dead! Fight off hordes of enemies while upgrading through a food-themed upgrade tree.

[h2]Patch notes v0.5.5:[/h2] [h3][list]*Biggest change is the upgrade percentage increases. Before, most upgrades were calculated from current stat rather than base stat. This means if you had 200 damage and chose the 25% damage increase, your damage would go up to 250. Now the increase is calculated from your base damage, i.e., what you started the run with. That means if you started the run with 50, a 25% damage increase will give you 12.5 damage, regardless of your current damage. This is also reflected in reload rate, fire rate, and movement speed upgrades. [/list][list]*Characters and weapons are now unlockable when beating the current level as opposed to the new level, i.e., you don’t need to beat the teppanyaki restaurant to unlock the sushi chef, you only need to beat the kitchen to unlock the restaurant, character, and weapon. This is not retroactive—if you’ve unlocked the teppanyaki restaurant but not the sushi chef, you will need to beat the kitchen again. Achievements have also been changed to reflect this. [/list][list]*Other changes:[/list][list]*Decreased sous chef boss speed from 3.15 -> 2.75[/list][list]*Orange upgrade has increased from 100 enemies until healing to 250[/list][list]*Enemies now stay frozen for 3 seconds down from 5[/list][list]*Decreased the UI size in inventory so it doesn’t overflow[/list][list]*Tomato now indicates that you will shoot through the table rather than solid objects to clear any confusion[/list][list]*Dash and heart are now drawn on screen when selecting an upgrade or inventory is open[/list][list]*Pizza and spaghetti upgrades are now every 60 seconds rather than 200 enemies[/list][list]*Pizza and spaghetti sprites are now drawn in stats display to show how long until these upgrades happen[/list][list]*Fire rate and reload rate are no indicated by numbers rather than percentages. Fire rate is number of shots per second and reload rate is how many seconds it takes to reload[/list][list]*Fixed bug where reload rate took longer with a larger magazine size[/list][list]*Changed a few upgrades:[/list][list]*Chocolate now upgrades damage by 15% down from 30%[/list][list]*Burger bun now decreases damage by 20% up from 15%[/list][list]*Chicken now increases reload rate by 50%, down from 100%, and decreases movement speed by 15% rather than fire rate by 25%[/list][list]*Wheat now doubles fire rate and quarters your damage, changed from doubling both reload and fire rate and decreasing damage by 30%[/list][list]*Final XP gain at end of round decreased (was 1 XP point every 30 enemies, it’s now every 40). This is to change the overcompensation from the last update that went from 60 enemies to 30.[/list][list]*Red outlines are now on all enemy projectiles[/list][list]*Fixed more frame rate issues for coins on ground[/list][/h3]