Too Many Cooks Update v0.3.5

Too Many Cooks

Fired and blackballed by Chef Hamsey, you are a chef looking to find your next position. Unfortunately, the employees of any restaurant you walk into want you dead! Fight off hordes of enemies while upgrading through a food-themed upgrade tree.

[h2]Patch notes v0.3.5:[/h2] [h3][list]*Added an auto-fire option[/list][list]*Hearts and coins will now fly to player once they’ve entered the pickup range, even if the player moves quickly and the loot is no longer in range[/list][list]*Adjusted the ice throwing enemy to make it more clear where the ice is being thrown[/list][list]*Decreased the frozen timer from being hit by ice from 5 seconds to 3 seconds[/list][list]*Added a magazine upgrade to the permanent upgrade shop[/list][list]*Upgrades no longer reset when hit while the strawberry shield is active[/list][list]*Decreased starting mini-boss spawn time from every 60 seconds to every 50 seconds[/list][list]*Changed the enemy death sounds to something a little lighter[/list][/h3]