Squirmish is a hilarious turn-based card-battling game for online PVP or solo play. Find your favorite creature cards and battle them against your opponent's beastie brigade. Strange strategies and interactions of the wildly-varying cards create a unique, unpredictable and infinitely-playable game!
The SQUIRMISH PLAYTEST just went live! Want to playtest Squirmish: The Videogame of Brawling Beasties? Have epic beastie-card-battles against some of the strangest opponents you'll ever meet! Experience the hilarity of unique bugs that (hopefully) won't make it to the final version! Give the developers your feedback to help them improve and polish this strange but delightful indy game and make it ready for rumbling!
[url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449620/SQUIRMISH_The_Videogame_of_Brawling_Beasties/]Request access here![/url]
[url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2826320/]Squirmish: Steam Playtest Community Hub[/url]
[url=https://www.faustlogic.com/squirmish/squirmish-steam-playtest.html]Squirmish: Steam Playtest Guide[/url]