Squirmish is a hilarious turn-based card-battling game for online PVP or solo play. Find your favorite creature cards and battle them against your opponent's beastie brigade. Strange strategies and interactions of the wildly-varying cards create a unique, unpredictable and infinitely-playable game!
[*]Added new HYPERSPAZ button. While this button is held down, the game runs at 2X speed. Use this button to fast-forward quickly through parts of the turn.
[*]HYPERSPAZ is also engaged by holding [b]Right Trigger[/b] on game controller or [b]Spacebar[/b] on keyboard.
[*]HYPERSPAZ is for SOLO play only, not PvP.
[*] Keyboard shortcut for big paper card view moved from [b]Spacebar [/b]to [b]B[/b].
[*]Fixed a PvP bug with STEALER GRABBER's HITPOINT HEIST ability. If a player activated HITPOINT HEIST but then immediately clicked DONE without moving any damage, the game would get stuck.
Cards affected (bug fix):