Squirmish is a hilarious turn-based card-battling game for online PVP or solo play. Find your favorite creature cards and battle them against your opponent's beastie brigade. Strange strategies and interactions of the wildly-varying cards create a unique, unpredictable and infinitely-playable game!
[h1]New card PUNKIN HAID[/h1]
PUNKIN HAID, the first new card added to the videogame, is a member of the Halloweenies, a brand new group. For now, PUNKIN HAID is the only available member of the Halloweenies, and as such, you will have to wait for more Halloweenies to become available before you can make use of its group ability. However, with 7 starting HP, a heavy hitting special attack, and a special ability with hard removal that can fend off an immediate loss, we think you will find PUNKIN HAID to be an exciting new addition.
PUNKIN HAID is often included in Standard format games and is now present in Rogues' Gallery decks used by PICKLEPUSS and GREYFACE. It has also been added to a number of built-in example decks.
The Halloweenies group can be selected in 2 Group Monte games, although it's not a very good choice while it only includes one member.
[h1]Gameplay Pacing[/h1]
A gameplay pacing slider has been added to Settings-Hodgepodge. It's a simple continuous slider labeled Slower on the left and Faster on the right. With slider positioned all the way to the left (on the Slower end), the game plays at it's regular pacing which some players find to be too slow. Moving the slider to the right, the game's pacing is gradually sped up until the game plays at a 1.5x faster speed.
Gameplay pacing is meant to be complimentary to the Hyperspaz button. The maximum 1.5x pacing speed up stacks well with Hyperspaz without getting too out of hand.
Unlike Hyperspaz, the gameplay pacing setting works during PvP, but has a special behavior. For PvP games, the gameplay pacing which is actually used is the average of the pacing settings of both players. If one player has pacing set slow and the other player has it set to fast the game will be played with a medium setting. (Gameplay pacing cannot be changed during PvP matches.)
[*] At fastest setting, the round changes go much faster, because the camera is no longer briefly pulled back.
[*] Starting with a midway setting, bots will only give battle cries they play a certain amount of time before launching their chosen attack. At fastest setting, bots will launching their attacks fairly quickly after starting a battle cry, pretty much what human players will tend to do.
[*] Starting with a midway setting, Referee popups will snap immediately to fully revealed, which are more easily dismissed with a single click.
[h2]Other Changes[/h2]
[*] Adjusted bot smacktalk cooldowns to make bots a little less chatty.
[*] Fixed Standard format which was sometimes generating decks having less than 36 cards.
[*] Fixed possible soft lock when OLD MAN EGGPLANT’s AUBERGINE LIMOUSINE was activated without any movable targets.
[*] Fixed display issue with a too dark dither pattern covering "ghosted" cards in Deck Builder.
[*] Fixed uncommon crash that could happen in PvP games when opponent disconnects.
[*] Fixed PvP issue with Z-REX's UNEXTINCTED.
[*] Fixed interaction between HAMSTACK's HIGHTAIL and STINKEYE's ORB OF ODOR where Skip Button was not visible.
[h2]Cards affected:[/h2]
[*] PUNKIN HAID (new card)