Squirmish is a hilarious turn-based card-battling game for online PVP or solo play. Find your favorite creature cards and battle them against your opponent's beastie brigade. Strange strategies and interactions of the wildly-varying cards create a unique, unpredictable and infinitely-playable game!
A new technical advancement that will [b]STUN THE WORLD[/b] has been added to [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449620/SQUIRMISH_The_Videogame_of_Brawling_Beasties/]Squirmish: The Videogame of Brawling Beasties[/url] in our latest update! We have developed... the [b]HYPERSPAZ[/b] button!
Yes, they said it couldn't be done... they said it was impossible... they said it was just a fancy name for a fast-forward button... [b]BUT WE SHOWED THEM![/b] Mad, they called us! [b]MAD![/b] Mad is not my name!
Tired of Picklepuss and his incessant whining? Sick of Beatknock's endless poetic prattling? Don't want to wait for General Mayhem to figure out the last detail of his master plan?
Well now you can feel like some [i]dashing space pilot in a vest with a tough exterior (but a heart of gold)[/i] as you click that HYPERSPAZ button and watch the time whiz by like a well-oiled roadrunner thrown off of the Empire State Building!*
ABOVE: Pompaduck points out the location of the new HYPERSPAZ button. It can be activated by holding down the button, using the spacebar, by using the right trigger button on your controller, or by standing in place and spinning around until you get nauseous.
*[b]PLEASE NOTE[/b] we are [b]NOT RESPONSIBLE[/b] for premature growing of long grey whiskers, or for time paradoxes that may be caused by frequent use of the HYPERSPAZ button. In the event you meet a version of your parents that are younger than you, best to go outside and play.