Squirmish is a hilarious turn-based card-battling game for online PVP or solo play. Find your favorite creature cards and battle them against your opponent's beastie brigade. Strange strategies and interactions of the wildly-varying cards create a unique, unpredictable and infinitely-playable game!
[h1]New DLC Booster Pack[/h1]
This update accompanies the release of our first DLC, [i]Squirmish: Halloweenies 6-Card Booster Pack[/i] and enables six new cards when the DLC is acquired.
As a Halloween treat, the Halloweenies DLC is free!
[url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/3165560/Squirmish_Halloweenies_6Card_Booster_Pack/]Halloweenies 6-Card Booster Pack[/url]
[h2]New Cards (via DLC):[/h2]
[h2]How to play with Halloweenies DLC cards[/h2]
Once you have the Halloweenies DLC, new Halloweenies cards will show up in [i]Standard[/i] format, usually in small quantities, but sometimes as the featured group. [i]Standard[/i] can be played in [b]PvP Matchmaking[/b], [b]PvP Fight A Friend[/b], and [b]Solo Sparring[/b] against bots.
Choosing Halloweenies as your group in [i]2 Group Monte[/i] format is a great way to play with the new cards. [i]2 Group Monte[/i] format can be played in [b]PvP Fight A Friend[/b], and [b]Solo Sparring[/b].
Of course you can always build a custom deck featuring your favorite Halloweenies cards and use it in [b]PvP Fight A Friend[/b], and [b]Solo Sparring[/b].
If you don't have the Halloweenies DLC or you've disabled it, the new cards are displayed as locked in the [b]CARDS[/b] area and allow limited interactions. Additionally, the locked cards do not show up in game play. For PvP battles, the new cards are temporarily unlocked if either player has acquired the Halloweenies DLC.