The playtest is complete!

Drill Core

Corporate greed meets strategic planet-mining in Drill Core! Drill to the heart of planets while managing workers, researching cutting-edge tech, and fortifying against alien attacks. Will you prioritize efficiency and risk your workers' safety, or focus on defense for survival?

[b]To: [/b]All Platform Managers [b]Subject:[/b] Completion of Early Access Testing Phase Platform Managers, The Board of Directors of Drill Core Incorporated extends its deepest gratitude to all those who participated in the recent Classified Research and Design Play Test of the Early Access version of Drill Core. Your invaluable feedback and thorough bug reports have directly contributed to enhancing the game's quality, ensuring a more refined experience for the upcoming Early Access launch on [b]September the 12th. [/b] The Board is particularly pleased with the exceptional efforts displayed during this testing period. Your diligence and commitment have been noted. We will continue to refine and polish the game in preparation for the official release on September 12th. Your participation on launch day is anticipated and appreciated. [b]In addition, we request that all participants complete the post-test survey.[/b] Your detailed insights are critical for further improving the game. A link to the survey can be found in the main menu. Please complete it at your earliest convenience. For those who have engaged with the Early Access version and wish to revert to the demo version, please ensure you secure your save file in advance, as saves from the test version will not work on the demo. The save file can be located at: [b]C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Drill_Core\profile[/b] This is a necessary step to avoid any loss of progress. Thank you again for your exemplary contributions. We look forward to your continued involvement and dedication. [b]Sincerely, Drill Core Management[/b]