Immediate Company Plans

Drill Core

Corporate greed meets strategic planet-mining in Drill Core! Drill to the heart of planets while managing workers, researching cutting-edge tech, and fortifying against alien attacks. Will you prioritize efficiency and risk your workers' safety, or focus on defense for survival?

[h1]To: All platform managers[/h1] [h2]Subject: Immediate Company Plans[/h2] [h3]Attention Platform Managers![/h3] The Board of Directors extends its deepest gratitude to all of you for your unwavering support and commitment to the company's values. The days since we went public on Steam have been nothing short of mind-blowing for the entire board. We are truly humbled by the level of involvement from our exemplary staff, and it is with great honor that we say: thank you for helping us keep the profits flowing. We also want to acknowledge the tremendous amount of feedback provided by our valued workforce. Your insights are critical in helping Drill Core Inc. maintain its position as the undisputed leader in the galactic mining industry. After careful consideration, both the Board and the R&D department have reviewed all the feedback concerning company operations, and we’ve adjusted our priorities accordingly. Before going developing next phase of our Strategic Roadmap (SR), we’d like to address the upcoming improvements based on your feedback. The following changes are scheduled for the next Patch planned for release this week: [list] [*] [b][color=#4fca60]The first three difficulty contracts will now take place on less hazardous planets.[/color][/b] Expect fewer negative events, reduced wildlife interference, and generally smoother operations. We aim to keep our employees...mostly intact. [*] We’re switching technology suppliers, which means [b][color=#4fca60]Division Upgrades will become cheaper across the board[/color][/b]. Efficiency breeds profit! [*] Our mineral-detection software will be upgraded, resulting in [b][color=#4fca60]higher contract incomes and a greater yield of meta-minerals. And, in the unlikely event of contract failure, you’ll now receive double the honorary reward[/color][/b]. Even when we lose, we win! [*] Miners will now, by default, follow our experimental pathfinding instructions, previously known as ‘Alternative AI’ in settings. The Worker Instructing Department promises further fine-tuning down the line. [*] [b][color=#4fca60]Steam Cloud Saves will be re-enabled[/color][/b]—though we’re keeping an eye on the HR department’s so-called ‘Saves’ safety, so this might slip to later patches. [*] [b][color=#4fca60]Some Qualifications[/color][/b] for acquiring new company building blueprints will be slightly adjusted, with [b][color=#4fca60]some requirements made easier[/color][/b]. We're committed to making growth manageable for our workforce. [*] A [b][color=#4fca60]new upgrade for an additional technology reroll[/color][/b] will be introduced at the start of the Division upgrade tree, because who doesn’t love a second chance at greatness? [*] [b][color=#4fca60]Several turrets and equipment will receive buffs[/color][/b], increasing operational efficiency and profitability. [*] And, of course, [b][color=#4fca60]multiple bug fixes are inbound[/color][/b]. Even perfection needs a tune-up. [/list] Expect further details on these changes [u][b]in the coming days as we roll out the patch[/b][/u]. [h3]Following this patch, we’ll turn our attention to the next one, arriving two weeks later. [/h3] This second patch will focus on two key features: [olist] [*] [b]Session Progress Saves[/b] (so you can pick up your operations right where you left off). [*] [b]A Glossary[/b] (via Steam overlay) explaining the blocks, enemies, and more. [/olist]Over time, we’ll expand this with further entries on [b]turrets, buildings[/b], and [b]other operational assets[/b]. Rest assured, the Board is committed to monitoring Steam reviews, forum discussions, Discord chatter, and, of course, survey replies (accessible via the main Company Interaction Menu). We will continue to adapt based on your invaluable feedback. Once we’ve addressed all current operational issues, our R&D department will shift focus to the content update outlined in our Strategic Roadmap (SR) As we continue building a better galaxy, one core at a time, know that our corporate empire grows ever stronger thanks to your hard work and dedication. Thank you for sharing the love, [i]The Drill Core Inc. Board of Directors[/i]