The official version 1.0.0 is now officially online


3D card building roguelike game, a tower climbing game where you can control two characters with independent card pools and turns, a favorite for Slay the Spire fans!

MetaCard 2 is now available on Steam and can be added to your wishlist now. MetaCard 2 will participate in the Steam Next Festival on June 10, 2024, and there will be a demo available for trial play. In order to celebrate the launch of MetaCard 2 on Steam, MetaCard 1 is also equipped with the same female warrior model of MetaCard 2. The content of this update is as follows: [olist] [*]【! Heavy! 】Real installation of the same female warrior model from MetaCard 2; [*] Supplement missing translations in English and Traditional Chinese; [*] Fixed the BUG in the producer list; [*] Fixed the bug where the details box of the initial artifact disappeared; [*] Fixed some other bugs; [/olist]