'Space Boat' is a humorous investigative narrative game set on an intergalactic cruise-ship inhabited by various carpet based lifeforms.
Happy Friday, Passengers!
It’s your weekly Space Boat update, and it’s time to show you more of our development!
It’s time to meet the new lady of Space Boat!
Princess Andromeda!
[b]Wanna see her Spin? Let’s do it! WEEEEEEEEEEE[/b]
Here’s some lore on Princess Andromeda and how she will be involved in the Boat design and the game!
A mascot dressed as Princess Andromeda walks around the boat to entertain the young and unsuspecting, much like a certain other theme park has its princesses walking around.
A Rugatarian female is 3x the size of a male, so “Princess Andromeda” might accidentally knock a few kids around.
Whilst on the boat, you can blow the horn that Princess Andromeda is seen holding. The horn sounds like an 80’s jingle and is designed to burrow into and embed itself into your subconscious.
“Release the Kraken of space travel!” is Space Boat’s slogan. In the original mythology with Perseus, Andromeda never blew the horn, but Space Boat’s marketing crew has purposely appropriated the myth to meet their corporate needs. The ship’s overall design tells this story and reminds passengers of the ad just by looking at it.
Rugatarians are also like glow worms (if anyone remembers that), so they might surprise you in the dark.
We hope you like her and can’t wait to add her to the game; she’s going to make a splash!