'Space Boat' is a humorous investigative narrative game set on an intergalactic cruise-ship inhabited by various carpet based lifeforms.
We hope you’re having a great week. It’s been a minute since our last newsletter/announcement, so it was time to have a little update.
Not going to lie, it’s been tough for our little team recently as we got smaller, but we’re committed to bringing you a beefy DEMO update this Holiday season. Not only are there new characters, investigation mechanics, and a camera mode, but we also have a new section that has racing!
We call it “FBC” Racing which stands for “Final Boarding Call Racing". For those of you that completed the demo, you might remember (spoilers for those that didn’t complete it) that we ended in the sewers with a premium skipper and we were on our way to the I.G.C.L. Princess Andromeda. Well, turns out there’s an underground unsanctioned racing group that has been waiting for the final boarding call so they can start their race. FBC racing was originally created by bored billionaires with nothing better to do, but it evolved into a well-organized racing event with announcers and sponsorships!
We hope you’ll enjoy this new mode! We’re also hoping that we can have it available on PS4/PS5 and not just Steam and Xbox this time around!
We would love to know what you think of our plans for the Holiday season. Please come tour [url=https://spaceboat.ca/discord]Discord [/url]if you haven’t already and let us know!
Recombobulator Games signing off!