'Space Boat' is a humorous investigative narrative game set on an intergalactic cruise-ship inhabited by various carpet based lifeforms.
Hello space travelers!
Happy new year from everyone at Recombobulator Games! We hope everyone is having the best 2023 they can. To help with the post-holiday blues, we figured we’d let you know of some updates that are coming to the Space Boat demo.
“Wait, what? Didn’t we just get a new map in a big update during the Holidays?”
Well yes (disembodied voice in my head). We did that recently but we also didn’t add everything we wanted in time and there’s the Xbox and PlayStation versions in the works.
Some of the future updates are simple little things like having a counter for the number of times you get electrified. Can you do it in under 3 hits?
Possibly the biggest update that we’re cooking up is a unique new take on photo-mode. Try to imagine having a selfie-drone that you can pilot anywhere while you make a pose! We’re adding a drone light that you can toggle, time dilation controls to make the perfect shot, adjustable camera controls for precise camera positioning, and filters to add some pizzazz. Have a look at some of the photos we recently took:
Recombobulator Games signing off!