'Space Boat' is a humorous investigative narrative game set on an intergalactic cruise-ship inhabited by various carpet based lifeforms.
Happy Friday, Passengers!
Things are heating up in this Space Boat update! 🔥
Release the Kraken of space travel!
Space Boat!
We want to deep dive into the new model breakdown so let’s go!
[u][b]The size of Space Boat is 3x that of the Eiffel Tower[/b][/u]
[*] 2 Malls with over 300 shops
[*] 50 Restaurants
[*] A 12-Acre water park that is family-friendly
[*] The CIRQUE DE L'ESPACE carnival with daily shows
[*] 50+ outdoor pools with an artificial atmosphere
[*] 2 sports complexes with dedicated trainers
[*] A stadium which can hold 30,000 people
[*]5* hotels and PREMIUM service
[*] A Theme Park bursting with rides!
[*] Four exotic port locations
And so much more!
We will keep expanding the Space Boat through production and show off concept art as we work on each area so you can see the full vision of Space Boat!
That’s all this week, folks but keep an eye on our socials for some upcoming secrets!