'Space Boat' is a humorous investigative narrative game set on an intergalactic cruise-ship inhabited by various carpet based lifeforms.
Alright, let's do a final round of showcasing the new Space Boat demo. Like we mentioned in the last announcement, we only get to participate in one Next Fest per game so this is it!
If you haven't given the new demo a try, know that it now has Suit Customization! That's right, you can make your own M.U.E.L. (Mobile Undercover Evidence Locker). We start with the base frame and let you build from there. Remember that we need to conceal our Space Cat extraordinaire, Inspector Domino. This is a vital first step in order to begin her mission to track down the mysterious inter-galactic jewel thief.
Just because you're undercover, doesn't mean you can't accessorize. There's lots of options, so we hope you take the time to try some different combinations.
If you're not into that, you can go with our traditional M.U.E.L. or one of our special pre-mades.
Additionally, we have tweaked how the skippers work in the racing chapter. There's still more to be done, but we think it's in a very good place at the moment, so please enjoy!
Thanks and happy end of Next Fest everyone!
Recombobulator Games