Explore a handcrafted survival game with an emphasis on crafting and base building. Export manufactured goods to earn funding, manage colonists, defend against hostile aliens, and work towards terraforming Ceres from a frozen ball of ice to a tropical paradise.
The demo for "Surviving Ceres" is now live~!
This is a very early demo that contains many placeholder elements. The first initial early access release is still quite far off and is expected sometime in 2025.
As a solo developer, I can not afford to just work quietly in the shadows until a release. I need players in the game as soon as possible and as much as possible during all stages of development.
You are my QA team and my creative directors. Your feedback truly matters.
Positive or negative, I want to hear from you. I know many amazing players who struggle with what sort of information to give for feedback to benefit the game. To that effect, I have created a short template of questions you can use to give feedback if you don't know what to say. For those who are comfortable giving feedback and suggestions without being prompted please feel free to do so in any matter you wish on any platform you wish.
If you need some guidance as to what feedback you could give please refer to this post in the forums: https://steamcommunity.com/app/2810070/discussions/0/4353368388525006345/
The current demo contains the Early Game systems. These are gather, craft, and build the starting point for your colony. You will need to manage your air, thirst, and hunger as you aim to reach sustainability with these aspects. You can automate resource collection, as well as unlock technologies to reach manufacturing and exporting. You will find a list of milestones to be completed in the "Mission Control Facility". Completing milestones will earn you funding you can use to unlock additional facilities and upgrades, as well as calling in supply ships if needed. Completing milestones and exporting goods back to earth are the main sources of earning funding.
The current demo only contains English, but over the next few weeks, I will begin to set up translations while reaching out to my bi-lingual contacts for help translating. I hope to launch additional languages as soon as possible to get more players in to give feedback.
If you would like to get a better idea of the game vision and my plans for the future with the game please refer to this thread in the forums where I outline each of the 4 phases of the gameplay loop. https://steamcommunity.com/app/2810070/discussions/0/4208119923881630676/
I hope you enjoy this early look at "Surviving Ceres", and I hope it makes you excited for the future to come. Thank you, and please feel free to give feedback on any platform you wish. However, for the most interaction with me and the game consider checking out the discord. https://discord.gg/WfbXE4cDVA
Good luck to you all, I hope you can survive.