Explore a handcrafted survival game with an emphasis on crafting and base building. Export manufactured goods to earn funding, manage colonists, defend against hostile aliens, and work towards terraforming Ceres from a frozen ball of ice to a tropical paradise.
Greetings Pilgrims;
This update contains a variety of fixes, changes, and tweaks to existing systems based on player feedback. Huge shout out and thank you to everyone jumping into the demo or beta, and giving me critical feedback to help improve the game. I don't want to make these notes too big so I won't list fixes, but know that everything reported has been addressed. Please keep the feedback coming, it means a lot to me and the game's quality.
It also contains many improvements to colonist AI based on my simulations, tests, and your feedback. They should be working much better and now contain some edge case checks and fixes. If a worker bugs out too much or too many times trying to get to work, it will teleport to their job. I hate using teleports, but they are a worst-case solution if they run into too many issues. Ideally, you should never see this occur, but it is there as a worst-case fix if necessary.
On top of the fixes and changes this update is mainly about new content related to the mid-game loop. All the new facilities added have been set to only cost "1 Iron Bar" and "1 Copper Bar". This is to facilitate easy testing for beta players. Also, some of them will cost the next material to craft which isn't currently implemented. These recipes will change with the final content update for the mid-game loop coming next.
[h2]New Facilities And Placeables[/h2]
[h3]Terraforming Facility[/h3]
This facility is the most critical facility you will build. It is responsible for terraforming Ceres. I initially thought you would craft many different types or tiers of terraforming facilities, but I don't want the building counts to get out of hand causing performance issues in the late game. So, what I have done instead is created one master terraforming facility. This facility can only terraform the world to 10% by default, and you will need to manufacture higher-tier terraforming modules in the advanced manufacturer to increase the terraforming facility capabilities.
I have added a new HUD where you can install upgrades, view terraforming event information, view alien attack information, and start/stop the terraforming process. Of course, the process will only progress provided a worker is on site.
This facility ties back into the mission control terraforming HUD as well as the placable terraforming display you can craft, and those displays also tie back to the main terraforming HUD on interact.
Currently, you can only terraform to 4.99% as 5% is where the first attack will become available and 10% is where the first new area opens from melting ice.
[h3]Military Manufacturer[/h3]
This facility is used for crafting deployable turrets and bullets for those turrets. It will get more use as we work on late-game and end-game, but for now, it has just the one deployable and bullets for that turret.
[h3]Advanced Refinery[/h3]
This facility as you might have surmised is used to smelt advanced ore into ingots. This ties into the two new types of resources I am adding next patch. These are "Dolomite" and "Obsidian", why dolomite? Cause I like the name and it is a real mineral like the others.
[h3]Dolomite And Obsidian Drills[/h3]
These drills are used to mine the two new resources coming next patch.
[h3]Aerial Defense Turret[/h3]
This defensive building is used to protect you from aerial attacks. It will be required after you pass 15% terraforming and require dolomite to craft, but for now, it costs 1 iron bar and 1 copper bar like everything for testing. I included the option to manually take control of this bad boy for fun. It is honestly a bit too fun as it cost me a fair bit of my time being distracted. I did however get the idea to add an achievement for killing a land-based alien with the turret, cause I did it and it felt good.
[h3]Decoration Constructor[/h3]
This does what you think, it crafts decorations. It currently has none as this will come two patches from now when we work to flesh out existing aspects and add smaller but critical stuff like decorations, signs, and whatever we come up with.
[h3]Enemy Scanner[/h3]
This scanner will warn you of enemy waves coming at your base. It doesn't take a worker to function and will be upgradable in the RND facility to increase the amount of time it gives before an attack arrives. It also has a very cool function that I might add to the colonist menu for easy use, and that is "Red Alert".
Calling a "Red Alert" is a call to arms for all colonists. It doubles their movement speed causing them to run instead of walk and they head to work regardless of what they are doing. If you don't have a night shift worker, and an attack is coming at 2 am. You can hit "Red Alert" to cause them to get up and run to work. If you have a night shift worker the day shift worker will stay in bed.
Using the "Red Alert" will come at a cost to comfort, but it could be worth it. Along with this, I added 3 settings for the scanner. Auto "Red Alert", use pop-up message, and use warning alarm sound. I will potentially add these to the gameplay settings in the near future, but I like the facility having its own HUD with some sort of options. Let me know what you think.
[h3]Fist Deployable Turret ".50mm Rifle Turret"[/h3]
This is the first turret and it has a 360-degree turnable riffle mounted on top. It has a large red transparent circle denoting the range the turret can defend and it requires bullets to function. Once placed it acts like a crafting machine in terms of opening/closing and placing items in its inventory. Currently, this does nothing, but it can be built and is ready for functions in the next update.
[h3]Right L Connector And Left L Connector[/h3]
I added a right and left turning L piece to the "Basic Base Constructor", this allows people to build their base their way a bit more. This was requested by a few people and I am all about it.
[h3]Glass Variations[/h3]
I added glass variations in the "Advanced Base Constructor" for straight, T, right L, and Left L connection pieces. I don't want to use too much glass as there can be issues with looking through glass into glass that looks into more glass that will ruin framerates. I do however agree we need some glass variations and windows in some facilities. We will be making extensive performance improvements in the future, but if someone makes too much glass and lags that is on you.
[h2]New Craftables[/h2]
There was a variety of craftable items that were created and used for multiple purposes. These include things like new ore, new ingots, bullets for the .50mm Rifle Turret, etc. There are a lot more of these types of items coming in the next update as well that will tie a lot of the progression/crafting loops together.
[h2]What Is Next[/h2]
Next up is the final chunk of content related to the mid-game. This includes such things as the first few enemy attacks, the first bit of terraforming changes, adding additional areas with new resources, and some elements that tie everything together. Thank you so much for your support with development. If you are reading this and want to get involved in the beta head on over to the discord and request a key. Anyone who wants to help or keep an eye on development is more than welcome. Thank you and have fun out there.