The best game you missed in October 2020: Mesmer


A unique revolution simulator where every encounter matters. Mesmer! The pearl of the old world. At least it used to be. But this city has failed its people. Unite the people, spark a revolution and storm the castle. Build a better Mesmer.

A guard in a fancy blue and gold uniform addresses a crowd in Mesmer. The woman next to him, in a captains hat, hangs her head. He is saying she is 'Guilty of inciting revolt, seeding disobedience and spreading lies about our state!'

We are living, we are constantly told, through unprecedented times. Years like 2020 are the kind of years that make me think things like “woah, we are living through history, like, all the time“, like a stoned 20-year-old gap year dude coming to self awareness for the first time in his life.

In Mesmer you get to be the history maker, in an old-world, European-esque city that is ruled over by a corrupt monarchy. Leading a revolution and storming the castle is, as it turns out, quite difficult, and requires a complex balancing act.
