The Autumn Sale has Slashed Theater Prices!

BattleBlock Theater®

Welcome to BattleBlock Theater! You’ve got no where to go but up...on stage. Play single player or co-op to free your friends and save Hatty Hattington! Jump, solve and battle your way through a mysterious theater inhabited by highly technological felines.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/5795738/0243705d6f7e9bd6e7174ade8feb0afb30d3e381.png[/img] Ready the lights, the show is about to begin! There’s no better way to find shelter from the breezy autumn sunshine and flowers than in a [strike]booby-trapped prison[/strike] theater run by [strike]technological felines[/strike] happy cat friends! [h1]BattleBlock Theater is 70% off during the Steam Autumn Sale, now until December 4th![/h1] [h2]BattleBlock Theater - 70% Off[/h2] The [url=]Ultra Baby's Co-op Chaos Pack[/url] which gives you [b]TWO[/b] copies of BattleBlock Theater, one for you and one for a frenemy, is [b]66% off![/b] If you’re craving castles [i]and[/i] cats, why not pick up a copy of both Castle Crashers and BattleBlock Theater in our Can’t Stop Laughing Bundle, ALSO 66% off! [h2] Can’t Stop Laughing Bundle - 66% Off![/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/5795738/9cc6c6c8709bd97fb9d579ebe782295afd0b1019.gif[/img] [hr][/hr] [i]Almost[/i]* all of our games are discounted in Steam’s Autumn Sale, from this very moment in Earth time until Wednesday, December 4th! *If you’re a rebel and prefer to buy games during sales that AREN’T on sale, our latest release, BEHEMOTH, is NOT on sale, AND only [b]$3.99![/b] [h3]BEHEMOTH - our latest game![/h3] [hr][/hr] [h3]Alien Hominid Invasion - 25% Off![/h3] Get our newest Alien Hominid game, our four-player re-imagining of the classic run ‘n’ gun! [h3]Alien Hominid HD - 25% Off![/h3] [h3]The Extra Terrestrial Bundle[/h3] [h3]Castle Crashers - 90% Off[/h3] [h3]Pit People - 60% Off[/h3] [hr][/hr] [h2]New Merch and a Sale![/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/5795738/c1d9efa94c94ba6c6733854023685ec0be03f22b.gif[/img] The Behemoth is also hosting our own merch sale on our [url=]very own merch site![/url] [h2]Running November 27 until December 2, get 30% off your order with the following code:[/h2] [h3]GobbleyGoop[/h3] And as if a sale wasn’t enough, we just dropped a bunch of fresh merch for you! Be sure to get any holiday merch orders in before our holiday store closure this year, beginning on December 12! [i](Some exclusions may apply)[/i] [url= style=button]Take me to the merch![/url] [hr][/hr] The reception for our [url=]previously announced BattleBlock Theater Update for Steam[/url] has been incredible and heartwarming. We’re grateful for all the feedback and love while we work on un-upholstering the theater seats, reupholstering the theater seats, un-upholstering the curtains, un-upholstering the ceiling…wait, we’re just Cat Guards shredding fabric, and un-upholstering isn’t a word. Meow? Make sure to sign up for our [url=]mailing list[/url] and follow us on [url=]Steam[/url] and [url=]socials[/url] if you haven’t already! We promise that as soon as we have more information ready to share, you’ll be the first to hear it! [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/5795738/882fd8d797ef58cac9033e8ee3ca5a695f562e26.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/5795738/53d5c1e5f1f2775ef17a86172cdcf8139b29ab6b.png[/img][/url]