The Adventures Pack...

FortressCraft Evolved!

FortressCraft Evolved is a unique blend of Voxel Landscapes, Tower Defense, Crafting, Logistics, Exploration, Combat and Assembly lines. Players begin by crash-landing on a strange alien world, left with only a small handful of starting machines.

..was [i]totally [/i]working perfectly during testing, but as we all know, no plan survives contact with the enemy! I've release a Win64 patch into the Staging branch tonight - this has a number of fixes, and should alleviate most of the major issues that have come up. I'll be doing an all-platforms build to match this overnight, and will push it live tomorrow, unless anyone notices anything horrifically wrong! [h1]Please feel free to opt into the Staging branch if you've been having any issues![/h1] [list] [*]Fixed issue with ConstructoBot permissions [*]GPS no longer shows coords when CPH is offline. [*]GPS works for Patreons. [*]The Adventures Pack is no longer referred to as 'Forthcoming' [*]MFP should no longer disallow building under odd circumstances when network clients [*]Freight Filter Window should now correctly work as a network client [*]ARTHER disconnect should no longer transmit a NULL Station segment under some circumstances [*]ARTHER will now automatically disconnect from Docks when he's more than 96 metres away, for network clients. This avoids a situation where ARTHER 'dangles' as can no longer see the segment he's in! [*]Freight Carts permission is now correct for all owners [*]Rail Gun permission is now correct for all owners [*]Robots permission is now correct for all owners [/list]