If you still play FortressCraft:Evolved - read this!

FortressCraft Evolved!

FortressCraft Evolved is a unique blend of Voxel Landscapes, Tower Defense, Crafting, Logistics, Exploration, Combat and Assembly lines. Players begin by crash-landing on a strange alien world, left with only a small handful of starting machines.

If you still play FortressCraft:Evolved - read this! If you don't play any more, but you have a save game that you might one day decide to go back to, and look at with the horror 'What WAS I thinking?', read this! If you aren't ever going to play Evolved again, but are excited for Phoenix, then head over to #fortresscraft2 our Discord - and if you're SUPER-excited for Phoenix, then head over to https://www.patreon.com/ProjectorGames to help out. Thanks again to all the Patrons helping this continue to keep development going. Speaking of which! @JaJaTec asked me in the PatronsOnly channel - "Will FortressCraft Phoenix have Cloud Save support?" and I went "Why yes, of course, Steam have vastly changed the rules around Cloud Saves, so it'll be trivial!" "So why haven't you done it for FortressCraft Evolved?" [url=https://www.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/d2708c14-4f12-49c0-976c-b86b1999e69e]Because... I didn't think of it?[/url] Oh... yeah. Good point. So, I shall be flipping on Valve's support for Cloud Gaming for FortressCraft on or just after August 1st. IF YOU HAVE A SAVE YOU CARE ABOUT PLEASE MAKE A BACKUP OF IT. I don't expect this to go wrong. I suspect it will work perfectly and have no issue at all. HOWEVER, I've worked with computers my entire life, and 'hoping' it'll work is a terrible plan. So - BACK YOUR WORLDS UP. I mean, you should back them up anyways. Back up anything you feel is important to a computer that's not in your house. Just good advice. You're limited to 10 gigabytes and 10,000 files. If you're running with compression turned OFF, you may run into this. Keeping the default Compression on will solve this. [img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/923680172286296352/1999526B38F2119553689446393AE820041905ED/[/img] If you have worries or issues or concerns, speak up now! Anyways! FortressCraft 2 is still moving along, tho I'm super-struggling with Unity, and I always have a bunch of other projects on the go. Check out the channels if you haven't! Love and kisses always! DjArcas