Patch 21 now live!

FortressCraft Evolved!

FortressCraft Evolved is a unique blend of Voxel Landscapes, Tower Defense, Crafting, Logistics, Exploration, Combat and Assembly lines. Players begin by crash-landing on a strange alien world, left with only a small handful of starting machines.

This month has been almost entirely focused on the new Freight Carts, and a complete, end-to-end playthrough of the entire game, networked, from the very start, right until the building, testing and firing of the new Rail Gun. Note : The Freight Carts are not currently available. You can build the 'Scrap' tier of carts, but anything higher than that will currently, incorrectly, open up the Dapper DLC page! Sorry. [img][/img] [h1]TL;DR[/h1] [list] [*]New main UI! [*]Use Signs to name your rooms! [*]All T2 crafting completely reworked to be similar to T1, and much more understandable to boot! [*]Loads of Frozen Factory improvements and rebalances [*]Freight Carts! [*]Suit Inventory now auto-uses Ampules and Boosters [/list] [img][/img] [h1]Adventures Pack[/h1] [list] [*]Robot Herb Arms should now collect plants and hand them off to hoppers correctly. [*]Robots should now do a 180 degree turn after servicing Hydro Bays or Storage Hoppers. [*]Linked up all Orbital Railgun missions [*]Orbital Railgun no longer uses ~47,000 Alloyed Machines Blocks to make, but will instead make ~1,700 Ultimate Upgrade Modules. This is still around 700k bars of each of the sub-types, but should be much easier to actually manage. [*]Increased Ore Freighter carrying capacity by 4x, halved their speed, giving an effective 2x boost over previous. [list] [*]Scrap Ore Freighters now carry 50 [*]Basic Ore Freighters now carry 500 [*]Fast Ore Freighters now carry 500 [*]Large Ore Freighters now carry 1000 [*]Bulk Ore Freighters now carry 1000 [/list] [*]Ore Freighters now show their carried ore correctly. [img][/img] [*]Stations auto-name to the first freight item added if they don't have a name [*]Carts now turn around at one-ways if they approach them from the wrong side and properly trigger a nav refresh [*]SetErrorState now properly handles null interface case [*]FreightCart error colours are now more specific [list] [*]Freight Cart error colours: [*]Yellow - Offloading Excess [*]Cyan - Parking at Depot [*]Magenta - Station Full [*]Red - Nav Error [/list] [*]Freight Cart Junctions of glory and win. [/list] [img][/img] Just remember, the Adventures Pack is planned to be released within 1-3 months, depending on things, but if you ABSOLUTELY CANNOT WAIT, then you can become a [url=]Patreon[/url] and get immediate access, as well as supporting development of the game. [h1]Rebalancing[/h1] [list] [*]Added Titanium Housings and Titanium Housing Crafter [*]Added Gold Foil and Gold Foil Crafter [*]Added Secondary Upgrade Module Crafter and Secondary Upgrade Modules [*]Added Alloyed Upgrade Module Crafter and Alloyed Upgrade Modules [*]Added Ultimate Upgrade Module Crafter and Ultimate Upgrade Modules [*]Replaced all self-crafts that used Gold Wire with Gold Foil, 5 times less. [*]Replaced all self-crafts that used Titanium Plates with Titanium Housing, 6 times less. [*]Replaced all self-crafts that used Fortified PCBs with Secondary Upgrade Modules, 5 times less. [*]This should make things much simpler for T2 crafts. Everything should be 'about' the same cost. [*]Apologies that this may affect a few automation setups :( [*]Hid a number of items until slightly later in the game, so players can't research things they can't make. [*]Added Basic Conveyor Belt Crafting machines [*]Added Conveyor Belt Crafting machines [*]MK5 Induction kits are no longer used as a crafting ingredient. Instead you'll use UltimateUpgradeModules, each of which costs about 10% of the resources of a previous MK5 Induction Kit. [*]Titanium Housing Crafter PPS reduced to 25 [*]Secondary Upgrade Module PPS increased to 150 [*]Secondary Upgrade Module no longer required Primary PCBs (this reduces the cost of Alloyed Machine Blocks by 30 Tin bars per block) [*]Reduced Chrome and Moly cost in Chromed and Magnetic Block Assemblers [*]Reduced a number of RP costs for early-game items [*]Increased Research Value of Copper Ore [*]Added ScrapTrack Crafter [*]Added MinecartTrack Crafter [*]Many FF recipes now use the higher-tier Overclocked Clocks, which were sorely underused. [/list] [img][/img] [h1]New things![/h1] [list] [/list] [h1]Improved things![/h1] [list] [*]New 'heavy machine cracks the ground' effect [/list] [img][/img] [h1]Quality of Life[/h1] [list] [*]Basic and Regular Conveyors can now be made immune to the effects of Cold and Toxic gases by building them inside an appropriately-classed room. [*]Signs next to Generic Room Controllers will now specifically name the room - you can use this to help newbies to your server understand things, or to remind you what on earth you had planned... [*]Many more optimisations to fluid [*]Players will no longer have a shadow when riding a minecart [*]Players should no longer clip into Stations whilst riding minecarts. [*]Decorative Blocks should no longer be cleared by WorkFloor Excavators. [*]Teleporting will now cause a clear-up of memory allocation and outdated texture loads. [*]Fixed issue where CompressDuringPlayOnly wouldn't submit folder for archival under certain circumstances (You can use CompressDuringPlay or CompressOnExit for now to ensure backups are made.) [*]Room Vaporators now support 256m^3, up from 192m^3 [img][/img] [*]Lancers and Melters are now 2x the speed on Rapid. [*]Massive rework of the threaded fluid system. Now substantially better! [*]Fluid Pipes can now change colour appropriately. This change was far harder than this sentence makes out. [*]Destroying an OSC will no longer leave the OET in a really broken state. You WILL lose all the power tho - be more sure before hitting BOOM. [*]Trenchers should now correctly page in target drill segment [*]Healing Ampules are no longer used if you're dead. #bitlate [*]Increased size of Organic Power Storage once more. [*]Melters should now correctly support Freezon Boosting [*]Freezon-Booster Ablators and Liquifiers now cover a much larger range. [*]Lancers and Melters now have double range (18/26) when Freezon Boosted, as well as the increased clearance rate. [*]Increased CryoMine radius by 25% [*]Logistics Falcors will no longer service adjacent beacons. [*]Overclocked Clocks now use 5 Clocks, not 1. [*]All Overclocked use now reduced to 20% [*]Added a new suit item that doesn't do anything other than have a really pretty drop object with a big light on it. Useful in Clumsy Mode, but not elsewhere. [*]Improved Lens Polisher readout - it takes ALL lenses, btw! [*]RayGun unlock now pushed before Labs [*]Power cost for Rail Checking on Cargo Lifts is massively reduced, and doesn't change, regardless of fitted lift. [*]Medbay range increased to 10 metres. [*]All Ampules and Power Boosters now fit into the Suit Inventory. [*]All items now droppable. ALL items now droppable. [*]Assembly Line Machines are now 3x faster on Rapid. [*]Ampules stored in your Suit inventory will automatically trigger when at <25% health [*]Power Boosters stored in your Suit inventory will automatically trigger when ARTHER is at <15% health [*]OET Charge now displayed with an ETA properly. [/list] [h1]Known Issues[/h1] [list] [*]Directional Hoppers cannot offload to Multiblock machines. I can't work out a good fix for this. [/list] [img][/img] [h1]Fix List[/h1] [*]Ore Density fixed on non-Rapid modes [*]Mobs that move outside of a Client's loaded frustum should no longer get lost in the ether. [*]Ore Smelter no longer gives any tutorial once the player has completed the game in a previous playthrough [*]Fixed rare crash in Mass Storage crates [*]New UI should fade appropriately. [*]Massively improved 'progress' indicator in Research Panel. [*]Hooked up 'Just keep scanning' achievement to when you hit 400/457 items in progression. I may change this to be harder. [*]Mynocks in a farm will no longer soak up lots of CPU time! This change will mostly only affect dual and quad core PCs. [*]All of the modifiers to plant growth speed should now apply correctly. [*]Fixed a generic issue with machines interacting with Assembly Line machines via the generic interface. [*]Fixed typo in Cost of MK3 Storage Ports [*]Fixed rare crash in Manufacturing Plants and Accessory Modules. [*]Railgun can now be fired more than once. [*]Railgun average, peak, ongoing and total firing stored and displayed. [*]CargoLifts should no longer get stuck forever after suffering from CryoPlasm or Sand [*]CargoLifts should be much more responsive for network clients. [*]Raygun now part of the Care Package. [*]Fixed issue where Dazzler would sulk if it couldn't find anything. Fun fact : 256 doesn't fit into a byte [*]Substantial improvements to smartness of fluid [*]Substantial improvements to performance of fluid [*]Segments with Cryo in them that haven't moved in a substantial timeframe will now freeze. [*]Falcor Bomber Radar is network synced [*]Falcor Beacons are network synced [*]Fixed threaded timing issue with CryoMap. [*]LOIC should now move under all circumstances. [*]Some fixes to the mission readout for the OET [*]Some fixes to TourCarts [*]Magma Storage now animates to show fullness. [*]MagmaBore readout switches across to Inferno Readout appropriately. Includes clients! [*]Fixed CryoMap machine display [*]Fixed CryoSpawner exploit [*]Network Freight fixes [*]Added Current Ride Cart debug [*]Added a new client comms stream to send world-wide data, even with the target machine isn't nearby. [*]Dropped items should no longer end up being visually in the wrong place. [*]Plenty of MagmaBore polish and fixes. [*]New top-UI [*]Teleport Mods should no longer punish you with pink [*]Locked TrackReservations to prevent thread clashing [*]Carts at request only hopper stations will automatically leave at the loading step [img][/img] [*]Made StationFull error state take precedence over OffloadingExcess - this should stop spamming of carts that are trying to offload at a full station [*]Freight cart depots should no longer report stations asking for carts of unknown tier [*]Freight stations on mass storage should have a popup box again [*]Doubled the penalty for carts passing through stations other than the destination [*]Carried out a bunch of graphical tweaks to all of the T4 Particulate filtration systems [*][FreightCart]Suppressed some client spam for track reservations for FreightCartMob [*]Cleaned up the network reservation update for client FreightCartMob [*]Disabled the network updates of cart stats as that would be handled on mob creation and isn't needed each network update [*]Client freight carts can no longer shoot past a depot and derail while awaiting the server removal of the cart [*]FreightCartStations now force a UI refresh when a MS crate is registered (so MS connection is recognized) [*]Adds the abstract TrackPiece object for use in generic track tracing applications [*]Adds all necessary child TrackPieces for each existing track type with full navigation rules [*]Adds support to the AutoUpgrader to upgrade Scrap Track into standard Minecart Track [*]Fixes power requirement for AutoUpgrader to properly consume power for each upgrade [*]Freight Stations now flash red if there's an error [*]Ore Carts now show which ore they're carrying. [*]Freight Carts now utilise the Mass Storage colouring and texturing scheme, to show what they are carrying. [*]Fixed Overmind Guts hitbox + accidental achievement [*]Added error when Directional Hoppers are connected to offload to Multiblock machines. [*]Hiveminds will no longer be able to over-build and saturate orders. [*]Hiveminds now inter-react more strongly. [*]The punishment for nuking a hivemind is now about 4x worse. I'm tempted to reduce the amount of RP out there, in order to persuade people to go blow up hiveminds. Remember - hiveminds drop RP when blown up! [*]Fixed a number of issues regarding Hiveminds placing Mynocks onto Conveyors, that should now be resolved and improved substantially. You may spend a little more power on keeping conveyors clear now, tho. [*]Usable Item code now supports Suit Items [*]Hotbar counts now support Suit items. [*]Ampules are now correctly colour-coded by tier, starting with White at T0 [*]Fixed the 'blip' of HODOR rocket noise when it loads. [*]Solar Panels are now 32x more efficient over the network [*]Ablators and Liquifiers should now correctly aim as network clients. [*]All Freight Carts and Ore Carts of all tiers now modelled [*]Lots and lots of Freight fixes [*]Lots of Freight fixes and improvements [*]Improved HEIST networking usage [*]All Spiderbot missions will no longer trigger when all overminds are dead [*]Added low-pass filter to Crystal Resonance, reducing some of the high frequencies at distance. [*]Fluid focus rebalanced to give priority to fluid near the player. When player isn't present, all fluid will tick equally. [*]Signs will now render faster [*]Improved Minecart track rendering [*]Freight Mod now part of the Adventures Pack! New, improved and improved! [/list] [img][/img]