Summary of Updates – Week 39

Legend of Edda: Pegasus

Free PC MMORPG in English, Filipino, Spanish and Portuguese inspired by classics! Play with your friends in a universe inspired by Greek mythology!

Hello heroes! Here’s a list with all the recent changes: [h2]🧺 Daily Rewards[/h2] [list] [*] Amount of earned Bronze Coins increased to 6. On the weekends you will get 2 additional. [*] Upgrade announcements will happen only after +8. [/list] [h2]🗺️ Maps Fixed[/h2] [list] [*] The number of guardians in some war maps is fixed. [*] Fixed client crash when encountering Poms in Gaiyan Hills. [/list] [h2]🏷️ Item Mall Updates[/h2] [list] [*] Pet skill prices were reduced by half on our Item Mall. [/list] [h2]🐶 Pets[/h2] [list] [*] All pets stats doubled. Should make them much stronger and resistant. [*] Easter Bunny pet was removed from the Pet Lucky Box. We will keep it for events only. [/list] [h2]🌿 Skill Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Ice Shield skill duration reduced to 15s. [*] Light Amor Mastery was removed from Hunter and Dark Walker classes. [*] Nyx Cloak's Evasion rate increase changed to 20% (it was 15%). [*] Evasion Enhancement removed from Dark Walker. [*] Force Fix now has a fixed cooldown time of 5s (all levels). It also has half of the duration in wars (up to 7.5s). [/list] [h2]⏰ Play and Earn[/h2] [list] [*] To protect the server survival (earnings) we limited the Play and Earn rewards to 2 rounds. That means that after the 20th day you will get everything doubled, but not more than that. [/list] [h2]💻 Spanish Translations fixed[/h2] [list] [*] Multiple fixes done to the Spanish translations. [/list] [h2]⚔️ Sacred Wars[/h2] [list] [*] G1 war schedules updated according to voting. You can see the new times [url=]here[/url]. [*] Queues are back to sacred wars. [*] Amount of God Points earned in Sacred War changed/fixed. [*] Fixed the queue configuration for the 8:00 PM BRT Sacred War. [/list] [h2]✅ Bonuses Fixed[/h2] [list] [*] Old Prophet’s Shield [P] and Old Nation’s Magic Shield [P] bonuses fixed. [/list] [h2]⛏️ Backup System[/h2] Many people keep selling or dropping their equipments by mistake. Now we have an equipment backup system to help those players. We will create a copy of your items every hour (this way we can recreate them for you easily). — That’s it for these latest weeks. We will continue to work on other issues not mentioned here. You can see the progress on our development board.