Kodon is a 3D sculpting software for VR and Desktop. We make beginners experts with our intuitive, easy to learn interface, and invite experts to become gods through speed, immersion and feel.
[b]Hi everyone! [/b]
There is a new update coming soon! It will include: [i]Kitbashing library and Recovery file option amongst others. [/i] We hope you enjoy it!
This is going to be the last update for quite a few weeks because of:
[*] Hard focus on getting rid of the remesher issues. We're not quitting until it's done!
[*] Tackling the conversion issues.
[*] Bugfixing of other small yet annoying issues.
[*] UI/UX, implementing a new VR menu. We hope it will make navigating in Kodon much easier.
In the meantime, I want to share a survey with you that could help us a lot in trying to figure out the best way to go in the coming weeks.
Please help us out by clicking [url=https://www.survio.com/survey/d/M0P6Y2K9H9P4Q0M3U]this link.[/url] It will only take a few minutes of your time.
We appreciate the support!
Thanks so much and have a great weekend!
Brianda <3