Legends of Ellaria is a unique blend of sandbox action-RPG and real-time strategy. Build a new kingdom for your people, construct and manage its cities, command your troops in epic battles and join them fighting in third-person action, and live adventures in an immersive high fantasy world.
Hallo Ellarians,
We've just integrated [url=https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=621070&browsesort=trend§ion=readytouseitems]Steam Workshop[/url] to Legends of Ellaria. This means that you can now subscribe to mods created by the community or upload your own mods through [url=https://github.com/Adrian323/LoE-Modding-Tools]Legends of Ellaria's modding tools[/url].
[b]To play mods from the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=621070&browsesort=trend§ion=readytouseitems]Steam Workshop[/url][/b], click the [i]Subscribe[/i] button on a mod you would like to try, and then run Legends of Ellaria.
[b]To upload mods that you created[/b], start the Workshop manager utility of [url=https://github.com/Adrian323/LoE-Modding-Tools]Legends of Ellaria's modding tools[/url], you can then click the "Create" or "Update" button for each mod.
Check out our new tutorial about [url=https://github.com/Adrian323/LoE-Modding-Tools/wiki/How-to-publish-your-mod-to-Steam-Workshop]how to publish your mod to Steam Workshop[/url].
We've also uploaded the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2807287785&searchtext=]More Money mod[/url] that adds a random amount of money to your kingdom once a day. We will continue to update the Steam Workshop with some new mods in the next few weeks.
In the meanwhile, please write any suggestions about modding. We're available for any question in our [url=https://discord.gg/B3v49jHe]discord channel[/url].
[b]In today's version [i](14/05/22)[/i] we changed the following:[/b]
[*] Added "Loaded Mods" list menu to Legends of Ellaria main menu.
[*] Integrated Steam Workshop to Legends of Ellaria.
[*] Fixed some mods related issues.
[*] Fixed some music related issues.