Steam playtest #6: Results and plans

Reign of Guilds

Reign of Guilds is a classic MMORPG. Dark magical middle ages: open world, castle sieges, economy and diplomacy, merchant and craft associations, church and mercenaries, counts and of course the King. Choose your side.

[b]Hello friends![/b] First of all, [b]we thank you all for your participation/reports/feedback[/b] and we really appreciate it. Apart from that, we did take revenge on PT #5, albeit with its nuances ;). PT #6 turned out to be the most popular and covered (according to the statistics of the Playtest client version): - 13+ thousand new people signed up for PT; - 7+ thousand new players launched the client; - which converted, on average, into 1+ thousand unique players per day; - the number of players who played 4+ hours exceeded the number of players who spent less than an hour in the game; - 500+ players spent more than 20 hours on the playtest; And of course, it is worth mentioning separately the ROG Club members and the players who launched the client of the main version of the game (using keys) - they made up, on average, another 20% of the playtest participants. [b]There will be PT #7, and we’ll not wipe your progress before it! [/b] In terms of content, there’ll be little difference between PT #7 and PT #6, and the emphasis will be on correcting errors and completing those unexpected tasks that PT #6 brought us. [b]Speaking about those nuances[/b] We didn't want to delay PT #6, so a number of things ended up in the build in an intermediate or even unfinished state. [list] [*] Out of sync hits of melee weapons in PvE; [/list]- this is a consequence of unfinished work on the introduction of prediction. - (PT #7) fix of this; [list] [*] Group: [/list] - group getting disbanded during the transition between locations/seamless zones; - adding to a group between servers via chat; - (PT #7) fix of this; [list] [*] Boss balance: [/list] - (PT #7) adding a good chance of dropping blanks and recipes will be given to 3 types of mini-bosses - “sergeants” of humanoid mobs (miners, lepers, and northmen); - bosses in Dwarrhan received their near-final difficulty ahead of time: a significant increase in HP, their levels relative to the county level, and, as a result, an increase in other stats and an increase in the level of items in loot; - according to the current concept, swamps and craters are high-level content within a given county, designed for a well-trained group (level + equipment); - at the same time, players found themselves in a situation where there were insufficient sources for obtaining high-level equipment necessary for the swamp and craters; - To solve this problem, we are adding humanoid mini-bosses which were precisely supposed to become the necessary source. [list] [*] (PT #7) Abilities, aggro, and healing of the druid: [/list] - fixing aggro abilities on bosses; - adding group healing to allow full tanking; - distribution of abilities between classes and distribution of NPCs on the map; - fix and balance of a number of abilities; [list] [*] (PT #7) PvE and Loot: [/list] - protection from autoclicker abuse in PvE; - rebalance of resistances to elements that were nerfed by PT #6; - increasing the chance of dropping blanks/recipes (including for tools) from a number of ordinary mobs; [list] [*] (PT #7) Dwarrhan: [/list] - content for the western continent; - content for the southern counties; [list] [*] (PT #7) Castles: [/list] - adding missing castles; - fixed resetting castle filling on server restart; - adding notifications when capturing points/castles and visual capture/burning (flags); - reducing the area of ​​castle domains (tax zones); [list] [*] (PT #7) Technical problems: [/list] - disconnects; - remaining server crash causes, including those which some players in the mines actively abused; - and the problem with preserving the character’s abilities/inventory when a number of factors are imposed; [list] [*] (PT #7) Other: [/list] - fixing ALT+F4 upon death; - “mute” option in the chat for the selected user; - (probably) chat reports on users; [list] [*] (PT #7) New: [/list] - localization into new languages; - crafting food and revising the stock/cost of food from the innkeeper; - medium crossbows; - (probably) various AMMO for crossbows; - (probably) the magic of different controls on powders [url=][img][/img][/url]