Starground v0.8.2.1 Hotfix


Build a formidable factory and go dungeoning alone or with friends. Solve logic puzzles and automate resource collection and crafting, or venture into dungeons filled with dangers and rewards. Find your own ideal gameplay balance, as any unique path will advance the story!

This hotfix addresses a few issues related to balancing and general game performance. This update also fixes a game soft-locking bug that caused clients in multiplayer to be unable to respawn on death, and an issue with multiplayer research syncing. [h3]Changes[/h3] [list] [*] Decreased the cooldown of the primitive hammer from 1->0.5, and decreased damage from 2->1.5 [*] Decreased the cooldown of the primitive handle from 0.3->0.2 [*] Decreased the cooldown of the sword handle from 0.15->0.1 [*] Moved info tables into their own resources (more of a behind the scenes change) [*] Slightly increased the frequency of special dungeon rooms [/list] [h3]Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed a depth sorting issue with crafter menus [*] Fixed an issue where the death animation would freeze and not play [*] Fixed an issue where the death popup didn't show up on clients on multiplayer [*] Fixed an issue where research info was sending packets that were too large, which also fixes: [list] [*] Fixed an issue where the show completed button in the research menu didn't work on clients [*] Fixed an issue where the item progress number and info didn't update in the research menu [*] Fixed an issue where the research progress bar did not update for clients [/list] [/list] [h3]Optimizations[/h3] [list] [*] Significantly sped up loading of all dungeon rooms by caching them all in memory first [/list]