Starground v0.10.1.0 Released

[h3]Starground v0.10.1 is here! While this was originally intended to be a smaller update, it slowly progressed into having a bit more substance.[/h3] [h1]Whats New[/h1] [h2]Resource Generation[/h2] One major change is how resources are created in the game. Before, resources were created, and eventually destroyed after their lifespan ran out. However constantly creating new ones could cause lag spikes. With the new system, resources are created once, and never again. This does a couple of things: [list] [*] Eliminates all lag spikes for any map size [*] Removes the need to despawn resources [*] Makes it easier for bees to mine smarter [*] Reducing the number of multiplayer spawner and synchronizer packets [*] Making it so resources no longer need to be saved and loaded like other buildings [/list] While this can add on a few seconds to load times, it makes actually playing buttery smooth. [h2]Christmas Decorations[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44866778/94cdebaf4b7456fd4abc9a8eceaf5d8ddce4e3ac.jpg[/img] Christmas decorations are here just in time for the holidays! Decorate your base with some jolly buildings, or do some sick tricks with the skateboard. [h2]New Research and Recipes[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44866778/df237310713a4bbe5af8607d01742f71d2217a71.png[/img] Research has seen some minor changes. The resource processing research has been created, and takes some recipes and items from the new Tyria research. It also includes a new recipe for the foundry to convert wood into coal. [h1]Full Changelog[/h1] [h2]Additions[/h2] [list] [*] Added red backgrounds to item slots that either don't have a required item, or have an incorrect item [*] Added info to items about where they are crafted [*] Added the ability to hover over placeholder items and get their info [*] Added the rubber ducky [*] Added skateboards [*] Added a parent class for bounceable objects [*] Added a parent class for vehicles [*] Added christmas trees [*] Added cookies [*] Added candy canes [*] Added present decorations [*] Added the Resource Processing research [*] Added the wood refining research [*] Added the snowman decoration [*] Added the "Toys" research [*] Added an option to change the top left health bar transparency [/list] [h2]Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Changed the day indicator to include the word "Day" to avoid confusion [*] Changed "Steam" in the multiplayer popup to "Steam™" to prevent the key from being translated [*] Made it so boats on Tyria don't have water in the sprite or emit trails [*] Made it so players automatically dismount their vehicle when using the starlauncher [*] Made it so bees are smarter when mining (they will always target a different resource instead of one that's actively being mined) [*] Changed and improved the loading sequence, so that buildings are created after the world generation [*] Made it so that the joining game screen will always appear for both clients and hosts [*] Increased the default resource cap from 256 to 384 (adjusted for map size still of course) [*] Made it so beach balls float away when underwater [*] Made it so that resources in dungeon resource rooms now respawn [*] Changed Pinhoo's name in the credits [*] Decreased the cost of 10 steel in solar panels to 5 [*] Moved the recipe for slag processing, depleted uranium, and nuclear waste reprocessing into the resource processing research [*] Moved the beach ball into the toys research [*] Made it so research buttons turn green when the research is complete [*] Updated the translation sheet [/list] [h2]Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where electric furnaces did not consume power [*] Fixed an issue where diadematuses spawn in the first dungeon [*] Fixed an issue where all of the debug info was the same number [*] Fixed an issue where fuel amount was not synced on multiplayer for recipe buildings [*] Fixed an issue where ovens did not have a description [*] Fixed an issue where players were on the minimap when in other regions [*] Fixed improper calculations with minimap drawing, correcting multiple issues [*] Fixed an issue where the maximum pressure pump size was actually 499 instead of 500 [*] Fixed an issue where you could not exit boats on Tyria [*] Fixed depth issues with Tyria ruins [*] Fixed an issue where traveling to another location while in a vehicle could crash the game [*] Fixed an issue where Spore didn't have poison resistance and killed himself because of it [*] Fixed an issue where extremely large navigation regions caused lag on the second dungeon level when Mini-Diadematuses spawned, or moonshrooms from Spore [*] Fixed an issue where purifier buildings didn't have a description key [*] Fixed an issue where you couldn't select the bottom-most recipe on controller (thanks juliobass87!) [*] Fixed an issue where planets were unable to be selected properly on controller (thanks juliobass87!) [*] Fixed an issue where underground conveyors could not directly add items into a splitter (thanks ghimki5!) [*] Fixed an issue where movers would instantly transport items, and would visually appear to duplicate them (thanks Ryūjin!) [*] Fixed a crash that can occur when loading a very old save with the old toolbar format [*] Fixed an issue where terrain was sometimes incorrectly set back to water in the center of the map (thanks PhoenixRising!) [/list] [h2]Optimizations[/h2] [list] [*] Improved performance of autotiling on Tyria [*] Reduced the game's file size by 40mb by converting the nature ambience to an .ogg [*] Massively improved the performance of resource node spawning, eliminating lagspikes and improving various other parts of the game [/list] [h2]Modding[/h2] [list] [*] Moved multiple functions and variables from Global into ModAPI for use in modding [*] Created the Vehicle and Bounceable abstract classes [/list] [i]Changes made in this update could potentially cause some issues with older mods. If you are a mod developer and have mods that took advantage of the functions in Global, now would be a good time to update that.[/i]