Sprucing Update

Creator's Asteroid

A tile-based Metroidvania maker! Design and share your worlds with others, or download another player's world and experience their creation!

[h3]Newly Added Maker Tiles:[/h3] [list] [*] [b]Sidestep Upgrade[/b] - Enables Player to sidestep enemies and hazards. [*] [b]Sneak Boots Upgrade[/b] - Enables Player to walk while sidestepping. [/list] [h3]Fixes and Improvements:[/h3] [b]Key Features:[/b] [list] [*] Play controls can be remapped to 1-2 keyboard inputs and 1-2 gamepad inputs. [*] Keyboard and gamepad inputs can navigate through Pause, Map, and Popup menus. [*] Ambient sound effects added, with its own volume slider option in settings. [*] Screen shake effects added, with option to disable in settings. [*] Settings option available to display Maker Mode controls on the Maker screen. [*] Info boxes appear when hovering over Maker selections and Play HUD elements. [*] [i](Patch 0.14.02)[/i] Added support for screen resolutions down to 720p. [/list] [b]More Features:[/b] [list] [*] Title screen background is updated to be more dynamic. [*] Top-level title screen has shortcuts for Exit (F1 / LB+RB+B) and Settings (F2 / LB+RB+A). [*] Pause menus have listed shortcuts for switching between the Pause and Map screens. [*] Pause Map screen has listed shortcuts for toggling environment and water map visuals. [*] Room backgrounds have random subtle flourishes to break monotony. [*] Enemies have added sound effects and landing effects. [*] Player, Enemies, and blocks have splash effects when entering or leaving water. [*] Hit-stop effect takes place when the Player is defeated. [*] Explosion effects take place when Bosses are defeated. [*] Screen shakes during explosions and when Player or Boss is defeated. [*] Screen shakes when a large Enemy takes a step or falls from a height. [*] Visual and sound effects take place when switching between Maker and Play Modes. [*] Enemy movement randomizations are improved. [/list] [b]Adjustments:[/b] [list] [*] Adjusted camera to better follow the Player, namely when dashing or falling. [*] Stackable upgrades increment from 0-8 (instead of 1-9) in the Play HUD. [*] The default gamepad LB button is reassigned from an Aim option to Sidestep. [*] Slash attack range increased, and its movement better follows the Player character. [*] Dashing carries over when running between rooms. [*] Dashing in Playtest mode is momentarily disabled when first entering Playtest. [*] Updated colors and contrast in environmental rooms. [*] Separated the Glasses upgrades from the Shirt upgrades as their own button in Maker Mode. [*] Renamed the 'Swimming Bodysuit' upgrade to 'Swimsuit'. [*] Renamed the 'Swimming Fins' upgrade to 'Swim Fins'. [*] Tweaked the naming convention of Dispenser tiles. [*] Game exits if the detected screen resolution is not supported. [*] A message shows the screen resolution requirements for full-screen mode if unmet. [*] Tweaked the Play Mode HUD layout. [*] Increased the width of Drago's body hitbox. [/list] [b]General Bug Fixes:[/b] [list] [*] Tweaked Player's shots to no longer push back Enemies and Bosses when hit. [*] Adjusted Honey Hive form to enter rooms at ground level relative to the entry point. [*] Prevented the Honey Hive form from persisting between Play sessions and respawns. [*] Fixed an issue where some enemies were still active while the game was paused. [*] Fixed the Pause shortcut buttons not registering when in Maker Mode. [*] Fixed a save issue that could happen when rapidly toggling Maker and Play modes. [*] Fixed an issue related to the Fullscreen toggle in the pause menu. [*] Adjusted world preview thumbnails to take more accurate screen captures. [*] Adjusted environmental air particles to no longer pulse on/off at the same time. [*] Fixed the Notification Box from sometimes staying on screen perpetually. [*] Prevented left-click from switching the Controls menu from gamepad to keyboard. [*] Prevented splash sounds from happening when the Player spawns underwater. [*] Fixed some sprite effects lagging behind their respective sprites. [*] Fixed getting KO'd by Polar Blocks causing redundant death sequences. [*] Fixed Drago visuals not despawning properly when defeated. [*] Added missing depth effects to Water Level Switches. [/list] [b]Steam Deck Bug Fixes:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed the pause menu Map visuals not rendering properly. [*] Fixed World preview thumbnail images not being generated properly. [*] Removed unused UI assets that were appearing on the Maker Mode layout. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/41579879/f13291bd910371375b181be1dce982beac52aa38.png[/img]