Souls of Chronos is now taking part in Steam China Showcase 2023!

Souls of Chronos

The Apocalypse shattered a world in disarray. Facing his impending death, a young boy named Sid crossed paths with Torii, a girl who feeds on the energy of time. In the harbour town of Astella, a mysterious adventure is about to unfold along with the investigation of an unusual crime...

Dear Players, We're excited to participate in the Steam China Showcase hosted by Steam China! For a limited time, enjoy Souls of Chronos at a 15% discount. This offer is during event only so act quickly and grab a copy for your library today! If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to reach out to us in the Steam community. Your feedback will help us improve the game and provide a better gaming experience! Don't forget to add Souls of Chronos to your wishlist if you're interested. It's a huge boost and support for us! Make sure to check out the featured Steam Page for the Steam China Showcase as well! The Development Team September 22, 2023 Link to the featured page of Steam China Showcase: