Patch Notes -

Souls of Chronos

The Apocalypse shattered a world in disarray. Facing his impending death, a young boy named Sid crossed paths with Torii, a girl who feeds on the energy of time. In the harbour town of Astella, a mysterious adventure is about to unfold along with the investigation of an unusual crime...

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40502505/22cd55fde1c02b455e1215a7af0671ba462a8e4e.png[/img] Hello adventurers of Astra! This update brings a brand new map system! Since the release of Souls of Chronos, some players have reported difficulties in finding specific NPCs and obtaining enhancement materials with unclear locations. To address these issues, we have revamped the map system with a new UI design and added the following features: [list] [*] In the stage map, you can now view the drop materials and consumables for each stage, as well as the corresponding inventory, making weapon upgrades smoother. [*] In the global map, you can see the current NPCs and their corresponding images for each area, making it easier to accept and deliver quests. [/list] For more details, please experience it in the game! Thank you for your continued support! The Development Team April 28, 2023