Patch Notes -

Souls of Chronos

The Apocalypse shattered a world in disarray. Facing his impending death, a young boy named Sid crossed paths with Torii, a girl who feeds on the energy of time. In the harbour town of Astella, a mysterious adventure is about to unfold along with the investigation of an unusual crime...

Dear Adventurers of Astella, Here you will find a list of fixes that address the following issues in the update - Fixed an issue where leaving Sewers 2-5 by a specific route won't trigger Mist's encounter. - Fixed minor issues related to the keyboard/mouse button layout diagrams. - Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in corners on certain levels. - Fixed an issue where players could not recall Torii in certain situations. - Fixed an issue with the lobster trap on the beach that prevented it from being used again. - Torii's style can be switched more easily in the character's menu now. - Added a Save prompt before the story branches into different endings. We will continue to listen to our community and keep updating the game based on the feedback we collected. On a side note, we are working on a digital artbook of Souls of Chronos. Please stay tuned! The Development Team February 18, 2023