The Apocalypse shattered a world in disarray. Facing his impending death, a young boy named Sid crossed paths with Torii, a girl who feeds on the energy of time. In the harbour town of Astella, a mysterious adventure is about to unfold along with the investigation of an unusual crime...
Hello adventurers of Astra!
We are pleased to announce the latest update version, which includes some exciting new features and improvements. Here are the highlights of this update:
[*] Firstly, we have added a tutorial on the archive feature, and you can now find save points in the Workshop "The Dandelion".
[*] And then we have enhanced the operation experience of Nidhogg Long Fang, so attacking with this weapon will not be interrupted by enemies anymore.
[*] Lastly, we have adjusted the strengthening route of the Pneumatic Device, which now focuses more on dealing damage to enemies.
We hope that these updates will enrich your gameplay experience and bring you more excitement in your adventures. Thank you for your continued support!
The Development Team
May 25, 2023