Patch Notes -

Souls of Chronos

The Apocalypse shattered a world in disarray. Facing his impending death, a young boy named Sid crossed paths with Torii, a girl who feeds on the energy of time. In the harbour town of Astella, a mysterious adventure is about to unfold along with the investigation of an unusual crime...

Dear Adventurers of Astella, We have just released the first update since the game's launch, which addresses the following issues: - Fixed an issue where adjusting the resolution after entering the game would lose the original resolution option. - Fixed fullscreen display issue on certain non-16:9 screens. - Fixed an issue where completing the Cassia side quest in Chapter 3 in advance would prevent progress in the main story. - Fixed an issue that could occur when taking on multiple side quests at once. - Fixed an issue where the Floating Leaf time-stop attack did not work on quick button spams. - Removed the "Stellar!" achievement, now players can complete all achievements normally. - Fixed an issue where game saves were not being written properly when Steam cloud saves were disabled. - Fixed an issue where players could be stuck in the Secret Passage-15. - Optimized overall quest configurations to reduce back-and-forth, such as allowing players to find Old Joe at the dock at the end of Chapter 1. - Completed the "Special Thanks" list. - Reviewed and improved certain quest names. - Corrected some typos in the text. Thanks for your feedback in the community - it has been tremendous help to us. We are continuing to address other reported bugs, and committed to keep updating and polishing Souls of Chronos! The Development Team February 16, 2023.