September Update: New Game Title

Estranged: The Departure

Estranged: The Departure follows the story of a fisherman, stranded on a mysterious island during a violent storm. Little does he know his adventure has just begun, and the island is home to more than it first seems.

An update is now live for Windows, macOS and Linux featuring a new title for the game! [h3]New Game Title[/h3] [previewyoutube=J7UFEdpQyf4;full][/previewyoutube] I'm excited to announce that [i]Estranged: Act II[/i] is now [i]Estranged: The Departure[/i]! This change is primarily to let players new to the Estranged series at a glance that it's not necessary to play Act I first. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/27893488/bec21af8d3daa89b428dcd5f91ae451a57477d79.png[/img] There's no change to the content of the game other than a new startup screen. There are no plans to change the title of Estranged: Act I at this time. Other changes in this build: [list] [*] Adds support for gamepad rumble, with option to turn it off [*] Fixes scrolling longer menus with gamepad/keyboard [/list] I'd like to give a special thank you to those that have been following the game since development began. If you'd like to join the Discord conversation: [i]Note: There are quite a few things to update which can take some time to propagate. If you still see the old name after this post is an hour old (and after restarting your Steam client), please let me know.[/i] Thanks, Alan