Early March Update: Ending Content

Estranged: The Departure

Estranged: The Departure follows the story of a fisherman, stranded on a mysterious island during a violent storm. Little does he know his adventure has just begun, and the island is home to more than it first seems.

[h3]Brand New Content[/h3]There is now more content after the "cold" scene, at the end of Act II with the return of an old friend. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/27893488/c3e5dd9f83eb54fdcc9670d671f104f404ce28de.jpg[/img] To start from the "cold" scene, you can use the cheat [i]map arctic#cinematic[/i] [h3]Full Change List[/h3][list][*] Adds new story scene after the current "cold" scene [*] Moves credits to after the new content [*] Fixes floating camera in the range [*] Fixes two doors sharing the same save ID in in chapter 3 [*] Adds captions and subtitles to new content [*] Work on sound for the new scene, adds ambience and sound effects [*] Tweaks layout of the in-game credits [*] Fixes corpses registering for the "deadly fisherman" achievement [*] Updates translations to latest [/list] This update brings you very close to the planned end of Estranged: Act II. If there are elements of the game you'd like me to change, please do let me know via the feedback mechanisms below (before it gets too late!). You can contact me in the comments here, using the in-game feedback, emailing alan [at] alanedwardes (dot) com or via Discord - https://discord.gg/estranged Thank you for being part of the Estranged project! Alan