Early June Update: Tweaked Intro Sequence and Bug Fixes

Estranged: The Departure

Estranged: The Departure follows the story of a fisherman, stranded on a mysterious island during a violent storm. Little does he know his adventure has just begun, and the island is home to more than it first seems.

I'm going to pretend it's already June as I released a [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/582890/announcements/detail/3017954302360445376]late may update[/url] - an update is now live on Steam for Windows, macOS and Linux, including an improved intro sequence and fixes! [b]New Wake Sequence[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/27893488/40666703286a7de499cd84aa28e649fd3994b243.jpg[/img] I recently published a blog post about [url=https://alanedwardes.com/blog/posts/recording-camera-animations-for-ue4-with-a-phone/]creating motion-captured camera sequences using my phone[/url], and I have now used this technique with the "wake" sequence in the Prelude (at the very start of Chapter 1). This technique isn't perfect, but allows you to simulate more subtle and "human" movements and I'll be using it with future camera animations of this kind. [b]Weapon Firing Fix[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/27893488/e151a8580ff9df5629b130494bcdee95c2920f63.jpg[/img] I want to thank everyone that helped report this bug and provided me with the information to track it down - [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/582890/discussions/0/3122661725686762693/]especially on the forums[/url]. Previously, when picking up a new weapon, if you went back to your old weapon and tried to use it again, you'd see the effects of it firing without it actually firing. This bug only affected a small percentage of players since swapping back to your previous weapon is quite a rare thing to do (because typically your next weapon is an upgrade). I apologise for not catching and fixing this bug sooner - since I'm wearing multiple hats (including QA) it's easy for me to get tunnel vision with regards to what I'm testing. The bug is fixed, and we can now rest easy knowing we can defend ourselves against [i]Sokol-Glockner's skilled marksmen[/i]. 👀 As ever, I'm around on discord.gg/estranged, and post more frequent development updates there if you want to keep up with Estranged (check out the #dev-screenshots channel). Thanks for playing Estranged! Alan